Chapter 47

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"I'm coming with." I say.

"No, absolutely not Brynn. I will not allow it." Father says walking towards me.

"And why not?" Staying silent he doesn't answer my question, but he stares at me with his intense blue eyes. "Father, this is my only chance to see everyone again I want to go. My one chance to see Bilbo before I may never see him again please I need to go." I explain tears pricking my eyes.

He sighs and looks down at his feet before looking back at me. "Fine you can come along." He mumbles not happy with me.

"Thank you father." I say hugging him.

"You're welcome." He says hugging gently. "Now go and get ready we'll be leaning shortly." He says pulling away.

Nodding I leave and go to my room get everything ready. I hope they're all okay and doing well and Kili...I don't know what happened to Kili I hope he's okay. Grabbing my daggers, bow, and arrows I place them on my bed and go to my closet to get a different outfit on. After finding an outfit I grab it and some shoes and quickly get change. Coming out of the bathroom I put my shoes on and smooth my dress down. After doing that I grab my weapons and place them in the correct spot and leave my room.

(Brynn's outfit!! But it's all light pink!!)

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(Brynn's outfit!! But it's all light pink!!)

(Brynn's outfit!! But it's all light pink!!)

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(Brynn's shoes!!)

Walking through the halls I go back to the throne room knowing father will be there. Entering the throne room I'm surprised that I don't see father there. After a few seconds of staying in the throne room I decide to check his study room knowing that's another place where he can be. Walking to his study room the elves open the doors for me while bowing and I nod at them. "I'm ready for father." I say entering his study room to see him at his desk.

He looks up at me and stares at me for a moment. "Are you sure you want to come?" He asks.

"Yes! I'm positive I have to go." I answer. He nods closing his book and stands up grabbing his sword placing it around his waist that's semi hidden by his cape wearing his battle armor. Looking into his eyes I can tell he's hesitant to let me come and takes a deep breath and nods once more.

"Then let's get going." He says.

Smiling slightly I nod and we both leave his study room heading to the stables. Walking through the halls we get to the stables and see elves already have some horses hooked up to a wagon full of food and water. "My King, Princess Brynn." One of the elves bow to us. "Everything and everyone is ready. Just waiting your commands."

"Excellent." Father says mounting onto his giant elk. "I'm only asking because I want to make sure you are 100% about doing this, but you are absolutely sure you want to come?"

"Yes father I'm 100% sure I want to come and nothing will change my mind." I say mounting onto my horse looking at me. He nods and beckons everyone to start following him. Dad and I are at the front of the army leading everyone to the City of Dale to help the people of Lake-Town after the disaster that Smaug brought them. "You knew what was gonna happen when Thorin reached the mountain didn't you?" I ask looking at father.

"I had suspicion, and warned Thorin of what could happen, but just like his grandfather he dismissed my warning and brought Smaug upon his own people." He explains.

"Father, you do know do know the reason why he's trying to reclaim Erebor don't you?" I ask focusing a head.

"I do not nor do I care."

"You should." I mumble.

"Why's that?" He asks.

"Because he's trying to bring his people back to their home." I explain. He stays quiet. "So you're telling me father, that if a dragon over took your kingdom and drove you and your people out you wouldn't try to reclaim your home back?"

"There's more to Thorin than you think Brynn, he will turn out just like his grandfather did, he will succumb to the dragon sickness and will not part with it."

Well Smaug killed this town called Lake-town, I hope they're doing okay! Kinda nice for Thranduil to bring them stuff in times of need let's just hope he won't go to war over some gems! Please comment and vote!

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