Chapter 25

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We start chucking the pine cones at the ground hitting anything near the Wargs or at the Wargs. Before we know it the whole place is catching fire burning keeping the Wargs at bay, but for how long? Some of the dwarves start cheering as the Wargs are retreating to get away from the fire, but still close to us. The cheering quickly stops as the tree that all of us are on starts falling towards the edge of the cliff making us hold onto dear life. The tree slams into the ground beneath of us with most of the tree hanging of the edge of the mountain side. Ori starts falling out of the tree and towards his death when Dori grabs Ori's foot, but his hand starts slipping. "Mr. Gandalf!" Dori shouts desperately as his hand is losing his grip on the branch he is holding onto. Ori is screaming slightly as he doesn't want to die. "Mister Gandalf!" Dori shouts again as the branch snaps slightly causing Dori to let go and they both fall. Gandalf holds his staff out which Dori grabs on holding onto it for dear life.

Wargs stop growling and turn around as a massive white Warg comes into our view with someone who is suppose to be dead making everyone stare at in complete shock. "Azog?" Thorin asks in disbelief as he thought he has slain the giant Gundabad Orc years ago.

Azog stares at Thorin with a wicked smile while stroking his Warg's white fur. Keeping his eyes dead set on Thorin as he laughs menacingly and speaks in Orkish. "Nuzdigid? Nuzdi gast?" (Do you smell it? The scent of fear?) Thorin stares at at Azog still in shock, but is slowly feeling rage enter his body. "Ganzilig-i unarug obod nauzdanish, Torin undag Train-ob." (I remember your father reeked of it, Thorin son of Thrain.) Azog taunts Thorin.

Thorin glares at Azog as he feels pain and grief flood his body as he now realize Azog had killed his father. "It cannot be." Thorin says wishing that what he sees before him, Azog the Defiler, is dead and not alive, but he knows Azog is alive staring right back at him.

"Kod, Toragid biriz." (That one is mine.) Azog speaks to the Wargs and Riders pointing to Thorin. "Worori-da!" (Kill the others!) He roars as the Wargs and Riders charge toward us.

Hearing Thorin yell I look to see him running towards Azog with his sword and shield ready to take him on. My eyes widen as I start walking through the trees towards land. Standing next to Bilbo and Balin we watch Thorin fight Azog....and by the looks of it Azog is winning. Soon enough Azog's Warg clamps his mouth over Thorin and throws him against the rock. "Thorin! No!" Dwalin shouts.

My eyes widen as one of the Orcs bringing their knife to Thorin's neck ready to end his life when something I didn't expect to happen kills him. Bilbo slams his little sword into the Orc letting it die and stands in front of an unconscious Thorin defending him. Azog growls at what Bilbo did, and sends his Orcs and Wargs towards Bilbo to kill him, but I wont let it happen. Pulling my daggers out I run and slam into the Warg that about to attack Bilbo sending it flying towards another rock.

Azog roars even more angrier as he stares at me narrowing his eyes at me for what I did. Hearing yelling Bilbo and I turn around to see Kili, Fili, and Dwalin running out to help fight. Looking back at Bilbo we both nod at each other as we help the dwarves kill the Orcs and Wargs. Azog yells orders at as his army is to continue to fight till nothing is left of us. One by one I slay Orcs while Kili and Fili take care of Wargs, Dwalin just smashes whoever comes near him to their death with his giant hammer, and Bilbo protects the unconscious Thorin from Orcs that try to come near them. As we continue killing Orcs and Wargs we see giant claws come down grabbing two Wargs or a bunch of Orcs and throwing them off the cliff. Looking up we see Eagles coming to help us and save the day. Watching some Eagles fan the fire making it hotter causing the Orcs and Wargs to burn, some knock trees over crushing them, and some grab them tossing them off the cliff. Azog yells in frustration as he almost had Thorin dead and watches the Eagles grab us and drop us off the cliff as-well only to land on another Eagle to carry us to safety.

While I'm watching everything happen an Eagle comes and gently picks Thorin up carrying him away to where the other dwarves are being carried away by the other eagles. An Eagle then comes and grabs Bilbo dropping him off the cliff making Bilbo scream as he flies off on the Eagle. Lifting my head up I see an Eagle coming towards me and I let it take me knowing I'll be safe. Feeling the Eagle drop me I let the wind rush by me as I fall onto another Eagle safely. Looking over I see Theoin being gently carried in one of the Eagle's talons. I hope Thorin is okay. I really do.

While we're soaring through the night sky Fili yells down to his uncle worried about him. Soon a big rock appears and the Eagle carrying Thorin lays him down gently on the rock. Gandalf is next to land on the rock and runs over to Thorin trying to heal him as we all are landing safe fly on the rock. Getting off my Eagle I stand next to Fili as we all now presence on the rock we watch a weak Thorin sit up after Gandalf revived him. "The halfling?" Thorin asks weakly.

"It's all right. Bilbo is here. He's quiet safe." Gandalf assures Thorin.

Dwalin and Kili help Thorin up, but once Thorin is up he shrugs them off walking towards Bilbo. "You! What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed! Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild and that you had no place amongst us?" Thorin says glaring at the hobbit as he is now face to face with him. Bilbo stares back at Thorin worried he did something wrong and a little frightened at how close Thorin is to him. "I've never been so wrong in all my life!" Thorin says with a smiles embracing Bilbo in a tight hug. The dwarves slap each other and cheer loudly while Gandalf and I smile at Bilbo. "I am sorry I doubted you." Thorin apologizes.

"No, I would have doubted me too. I'm not a hero or a warrior...not even a burglar." Bilbo explains. We all chuckle watching the Eagles screech leaving us on the giant rock as they fly back to where they came from.

(A picture of Azog the Defiler!!)

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

(A picture of Azog the Defiler!!)

Well we finally have a face to Azog! Wish he did died when Thorin said he killed him. And that was a whirlwind of emotions not gonna lie! Thank goodness the Eagles came and saved the day and saving Thorin from getting killed! And I'm so proud of Bilbo for standing up and protecting Thorin! And now Thorin is proud to have Bilbo in his company!! Please comment and vote!!

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