Chapter 34

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Legolas's Pov

Watching Brynn make her way down the windy wooden path that will eventually lead her to her bedroom to get changed like father asked. I look back at father who's rubbing his temples. "Are you really gonna set Thorin and his partisans free like she asked Ada?" (Father/dad) I ask.

"Yes, I will hold to my word that I have given Brynn." He nods standing up from his throne walking down again. "Although I don't really comprehend why she cares for dwarves so much...nasty greedy people they are." He mutters disgustingly.

"I think she has developed feelings for one of them." I state making father abruptly stop in his tracks.

"What do you mean?" He questions looking at me.

"We put some of them together in the dungeons, and Brynn got paired with a black haired dwarf....he seemed to be worried for her safety when I came to get her." I explain. "They seemed to be a little too comfortable with each other."

He makes a disgust shaking his head slightly and sighs in annoyance at Brynn's behavior.

Brynn's Pov

Entering my room it's all cleaned up unlike how I had it when it I left for Rivendell. Shutting the door I take a deep breath and walk over to my wardrobe to see what dress I have that I can wear instead of the one I'm currently wearing. Browsing through my options I finally find one and go to my bathroom to take a nice shower and get into my new clothes. Closing the bathroom door I turn the water on and let it warm up as I strip out of my dress. When the water finally is warm I get into the shower immediately feeling the warm water relaxing the tight muscles in my body which feels amazing.

Pouring some shampoo and conditioner in my hair I gently massage it through my hair washing the sweat and dirt out. Rinsing the suds out of my hair I turn the shower off and get out wrapping a towel around my body. Putting my hair in a towel I dry my body off and then dry my hair quickly. Putting my dress on I run my fingers through my damp hair gently brushing out my blonde locks.

(Brynn's dress!!)

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(Brynn's dress!!)

Leaving my bathroom I sit on my bed and push my hair behind my shoulders and sigh slightly hoping father will stay true to his word and let Thorin and everyone free. I guess I will no longer be seeing them after tomorrow. Quickly dismissing the thought I feel my eyes tear up realizing this will be the last time I see them. Sniffling I wipe my eyes making sure no tears fall down as I will not cry no matter how much it hurts. Getting up I leave my bedroom and walk around the kingdom before dinner. Walking around home I definitely forgot how much I've missed the beauty. While I'm strolling through the kingdom of my home I hear voices talking and immediately know who they are.....Legolas and Tauriel. "Legolas you know I'm right, we need to kill those spiders at the source. It's only gonna get worse if we don't." Tauriel says.

"I'm well aware Tauriel." Legolas says harshly.

"So why aren't we doing anything about it?" She asks facing him.

"We we're not given orders."

"Do we really need orders from the king Legolas?" She questions folding her arms over her chest.

"Yes, or we'll be banished from the kingdom." He says as he looks at the ground then back at her.

She groans slightly hating how they can't do anything without the king orders. "You and I are the best fighters, we could take them on our own."

"Again Tauriel, we could get banished from the kingdom, and you know how the king gets when you disobey his orders. I don't want you to get banned, because you and I both know that he would ban you first before me." He says confidently knowing he's right in every way.

She stays quiet knowing Legolas is right and huffs crossing her arms over her chest. "Hey Legolas." I say walking over to them.

"Hey Brynn, you look refreshed." He smiles down at me when I stand next to him.

"Yeah I feel refreshed, it's amazing what a shower can do." I laugh softly.

"It really is." He says folding his arms over his chest.

"It's good to have you back home your highness." Tauriel smiles slightly bowing as well.

"Thank you, it is good to be back home." I say giving a fake smile remembering how Kili was flirting with her.

She opens her mouth to say something, but gets cut off by an elven guard coming over to us and bows. "Your highnesses, sorry to interrupt, but the king has requested to speak to Tauriel."

(A picture of Tauriel!!)

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(A picture of Tauriel!!)

Well now we know who's this she-elf is that Kili keeps flirting with and clearly Brynn doesn't like her to much...understandable. It looks like Legolas is slowly starting to become the brother I was hoping we'd get but time will still tell. Please comment and vote!!

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