Book 4 | Ch. 18 - Where Stars Reign And Fall

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"Hunter detected on my radar!"

Cloudy jokingly expressed with a loony expression on his face.

"What's he doing?"

I replied trying to hide myself in case he spotted my obvious hair color in the abundance of white around.

"He's... looking at snow flowers?"

Cloudy tilted his head puzzled.

"It's next to midnight and he's choosing to go flower watching now?"

Nick added, questioning Hunter's strange tastes.

We all carefully observed not letting a single instance made by him go past us. He slowly took baby steps throughout the pathway at a snail's pace. He must've been reminiscing about everything he'd done so far and how it was just about time for everything to finally be over. He snatched away a few flowers that piqued his interest, the snow lilies and snow sunflowers. He admired the looks for a short while as he moved forward before something caught our eye.

Is that a butterfly? It looks so.. bright and colorful. Is it following Hunter?

"Is it me or is that insect stalking Hunter from behind

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"Is it me or is that insect stalking Hunter from behind."

Nick blurted out without much thought put into his words.

"Just leave it be, it's probably doing its thing and you're taking things out of context. You don't have to dig into every little detail to spot that."

Cloudy spoke back not wanting to spend time on useless theories.

"Screw you. If it weren't for us digging into everything we'd likely be dead by now."

"Not right now, Nick! Arguing with you will only make me lose more brain cells, we need to keep going or we'll lose-."

Cloudy stated wanting to close the argument hastily before being cut off.


Nick screamed, forgetting that they were spying on Hunter.

"Oh shi-."

Cloudy added but stopped himself.

"*Sigh*. Come on guys, I was keeping an eye on him the entire time so let's go before I lose sight of him."

With a blank expression I revealed to them how reliable I was being.

They can't even go ten seconds without fighting when they are near one another. How childish can they get? No- How long can their attention span hold for them to be that oblivious, literal seconds? I wasn't planning on sticking around to find out the second time and decided to leave them if it happened again.

The bumbling, nitwitted duo brought out a sigh of relief before rushing their way toward me waving away the snow in their path, mostly Cloudy since Nick was straight up melting it.

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