Book 3 | Ch. 13 - What is [REDACTED]?

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The three of us were practically in the way, what do they call that term again...? I'm not familiar with it but Nick calls it third-wheeling or third partying. It certainly doesn't feel like we should be here no less watching this. But to see Hunter give off that kind of smile talking to her when the best we've attempted and received was a open smile over the past year we've known him is-... disheartening. You could even say I was a little jealous, triggered you may say. But my feelings were of the least importance along with Nick's and Cloudy's because it was quite clear Hunter was intimate with that woman. I wouldn't dare to say he would two time or cheat on his wife he had painstakingly adventured to find but things were abnormal to say the least. We were perplexed by the numerous events that already happened added on with this, at this point we had the right to ask what was going on. At one moment they're fighting trying to kill one another while later they act like a couple of lovers.

"Why are you being so friendly with her?! Stop holding onto her! You have your wife you need to bring find! She wouldn't be happy with you cheating on her man, get your shit together!"

Confused, Nick bluntly shouted not understanding anything at all.

We both whole heartedly agreed with what he was announcing as the two looked up at us from the ground puzzled. Hunter glanced at Lucy while she did the same to him then back at us figuring out the misunderstanding. She gestured for him to tell them the truth tilting her head in the boys direction with a funny smirk on her face. He blushed with his cheeks redder than we've ever seen them shocking us all. He scratched the back of his head trying to decide on what to say first before just coming out with it.

"Boys.. this woman here is the very person I've been searching for this whole time. She's my whole reason for coming here and living on, my everything, now that she's with me in my arms I refuse to lose her again."

Stunned by just learning of this revelation they shouted in sync with no practice at all beforehand.



Silence unfolded making things both awkward and equally as insanely confusing.

"So this woman here is your wife Lucy, that we've been searching for this entire time?"

Cloudy mentioned curiously trying to not be rude to Lucy.

"If so why were you fighting her earlier?"

Lucy gave a cute stare in her husbands direction wanting him to pry the information from his own mouth for the boys to hear. She teased him poking his arm with her pointer finger.

"Oh my~, why not tell them the reason for that hmm~?"

She asked with a smug expression written on her face.

With a defeated look he couldn't go against his wife's demands, his whole face was flustered from top to bottom. He explained with hesitation and unwillingness that he assumed she was an illusion or an enemy made from the void to torment him. In the end he admitted his wrongdoings and was glad she was beside him. She let out a small simple laugh sending Hunter into another blushing frenzy. It was quite obvious he was head over heels for her if that wasn't apparent enough from the constant redness of his cheeks and willingness to do whatever she asks of him. Only realizing she hadn't introduced herself she prepared herself and cleaned herself of the debris off her legs and bottom.

"Hello, you may already know my name but I'll say it just in case; My name is Lucy ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕟𝕖 and I'm the wife of [REDACTED] ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕟𝕖."

They paused thinking they heard incorrectly or they just missed a word and asked once again.

"Sorry could you say that last part one last time?"

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