Book 2 | Ch. 4 - Incomplete

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For once the morning was ahead of the group with Hunter waking up later than normal allowing for the rest to get some well needed sleep before heading out onto the ship. Royal and Cloudy were one step ahead going on their way to get their belongings. Royal looked around but couldn't find Nick anywhere. He figured that idiot was probably still asleep somewhere secret so he wouldn't be interrupted of his beauty sleep so the two went on their way after grabbing some breakfast and filling up on water.

When Hunter got up he moved to the docks spotting the boat they were taking to the island where they were going to start their adventure and went aboard to meet with the captain and get settled in for their voyage. As soon as he reached the building to get a ride he went to talk to the man that was in charge.

"Oh~? I see we have a customer coming in laddie! Get your ass out here boys!"

An elderly man shouted toward another person in the far back moving some boxes. Hunter saw a few crew members pass by him and rush over to a nearby ship with said boxes in hand as the old man approached Hunter already knowing what he wanted.

"Welcome to our establishment. We do upfront payment only of five gold coins and an additional two depending on the destination. Oddly enough though you seem to understand this already. I take it you also would like a small boat?"

"No, a larger boat will suffice."

"Odd I thought you would be more of a smaller type of enjoyer."

"It's not just me traveling I'm with three others."

"Ah! I see now boy! My instincts are never wrong. HAHA- *cough*! One second-.. *Cough cough*."

The man turned away and popped some kind of medicine in his mouth and within a minute the coughing he had slowly went away.

"Ahem~.. Well where was I? Oh right. The names Zackrel R. You may call me Zack if you wish."

Hunter tossed fifteen gold coins claiming he would pay for everything in advance as Zack's face was bewildered seeing so much money on the palm of his hands. He politely told him to wait just for a moment on the spot he was on as he made a dash even for his old age outside and yelled up a storm to his crew where even Hunter heard it.

"We got a high valued customer over in the building! If I don't see the ship goddamn spotless by the time he is ready to depart I'm using the top of all your heads as mops!"

"Yes sir!"

The crew shouted in unison.

"You hear that people~? Do us proud~! Now you! Come with me!"

Zack commanded as he went back for Hunter and led everyone down into the bowels of the ship and into a room that had a large table with a map of the world displayed on it and many maps of islands, continents, and seas around it. They were all marked with different markings and notes with Zack pointing out places they had been and places they were currently going to go to.

"Apologies for the amount of time it took sir-. Oh hold on just a second. I never got your name now did I lad? What is it?"

"Call me Hunter."

"Such a interesting and unique name! Truly a wonderful thing to name someone as!"

He said trying to butter him up to get him to come back later on so his business could last long term.

"What of-."

Hunter was cut off as Zack continued praising him.

"You know~, Hunter is a name that really pairs well with the stars above us. Just like the fairy tales we heard as children have said.. Constellations may have one point been human and most of those stars had a mind of their own. Even from there the word and name Hunter must've originated from those tales because at one singular time every supposed constellation was indeed a Hunter or a predator of sort at least that's my little theory on it. Especially considering the ensifer constellation being a true predator by nature. Don't cha think so?"

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