Book 1 | Ch. 13 - 𝔸 𝔾𝕠𝕕 𝕊𝕝𝕒𝕪𝕖𝕣

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The monster they were facing was an orc with four arms in total with four clubs, one for each hand to bludgeon someone with brutally. It was twice the size of a tree and had a bloodshot eyes. It hardly wore any clothes but had very tough skin that would be difficult to pierce through if using a spear or sharp blade. The recommended use for dealing with orcs are hammers and flat sides of a weapon to break the hide of an orc.

Orc: Large in size normally carrying two to four weapons and only travel alone. They are carnivorous and will seek out any type of meat let it be human or animal. They are hostile to anything that poses a threat. Unfortunately they are not very intelligent and can lose balance very easily if forced a certain direction too much. Getting hit by one of an orcs weapon would certainly hurt and on most occasions break bones. Meaning if you are hit once consider yourself a goner if you travel alone.

Hunter shouted from afar telling them that if they wanted to continue on with their journey they would need to at least be able to defeat an orc. The boys glanced at one another nervously but became reassured that they all had one another's backs and wouldn't fail each other. Royal swiftly approached the orc from below striking it with precise thrusts with his rapier hitting multiple pressure points on the legs causing the orc to lose its footing and feeling in its leg but it wasn't enough for it to fall just yet. Cloudy used his aura on his feet sliding around the field like he was on water and quickly cut both of the orcs achilles tendons where the hide was thin causing the big bad orc to fall making the ground shake. Nick came to deliver the final blow as he leapt in the air and dived at the orc aiming for the center of its head. Right at the last second the orc rolled out of the way avoiding death by a hair. The monsters instincts were crying to flee but knew it was futile with its tendons being cut. So instead the orc began to swing randomly in a panic on the floor trying to bludgeon anything that it could slam onto. Nick was in range and was shot upward as he crashed into the ground very roughly with blood spewing from his mouth.


Both Royal and Cloudy shouted in worried.

They both turned their attention over to the orc and were fully prepared to murder the monster for what it did. From the side though Nick was gagging loudly as he coughed out a large sum of blood out and shouted for them to leave the orc alone.

"I'll finish this bastard on my own~."

They stopped their pursuit and moved away letting Nick get the rest of the fun as he took out his anger on it.

"You green ass looking goblin I'm going to fucking rip your balls right from your crotch and shove it straight down that fucking putrid mouth of yours you son of a bitch!"

The rest looked confused hearing what he was saying while the orc tried to limp away terrified of it being killed like a lowly animal. He made a long lung for the orc and plunged his Cherry Blossom straight into the orcs skull killing it just like that. Only for a second the orc yelped in pain before it went quite falling lifeless seconds later. But Nick was nowhere close to being down as he used it as a punching bag taking out his frustrations on it for hitting him earlier. Hunter actually came in and patted Nick down to see if there were any injuries but he was fine for the most part and wondered how he didn't break any bones.

"At the last second I managed to focus my aura to only one side and refined it allowing it to protect me better."

"That was a dangerous gamble there though Nick. If it somehow hit you on the other side you would've had a few broken bones or worse you would've fallen unconscious."

"Well~.. It didn't happen so everything is fine!"

He marched away proudly not wanting to hear another lecture come in but was dragged back by Royal getting tired of his bullshit. In the end Hunter applaud them all for doing well playing their parts. But scolded them for making a few mistakes that would've lead to injuries or worse death. The boys nervously awaited for what they were going to be told as Hunter started off with Nick taking out his anger on him.

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