Book 4 | Ch. 5 - Internal Conflict

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Going downstairs in a hurry he zoomed down the dark hallways toward the barracks to find Cloudy. I flung the door open finding him frozen still in the exact same spot he was left before looming just over their dead friends bodies.


I called for him cautiously, slowly treading his way.

He shifted his head toward me with a sad look on his face, it was like he was unable to discern reality.


Cloudy chuckled, acting crazy.

"H-hey Cloudy.. come on over to me and we can talk about this together~."

I pleaded with him but he was in his own world at that point.

"You know.. I attempted to heal them with my ability but when I tried nothing happened. Nothing happened to me either as if there was no connection from the beginning. If I can heal the living, why can I not heal the dead!? WHY!?"

"Sami was only talking about us recently about how he would introduce us to his wife! What will she think of this when she hears that he was killed so tragically?!"

"Cloudy you need to calm down! Take deep breaths-."

I said cautioning him about his own health and wellbeing.

"And what about Winn!? He had a future like us! He was like a sprout still adapting to its environment until- BOOM! He was crushed and stomped on repeatedly until nothing but fragments were left over!"


He muttered crying on the floor.

It was hard to watch him break down before me, a brother to me who was so far deep down suffering and there I was hardly able to do anything but attempt to comfort him with my half baked words. Only to realize what I was thinking to myself. "Half-baked?" Is that what I thought of this situation? Nothing more than a set back? But I got angry in everyone's steed and tried to kill the chimera. I also mourned over the loss of my friends, yet why was everyone else's reaction so different compared to mine? Theirs is full of tears, agony, emotions and more.. while I only sought revenge and nothing more.

"*Pant* Is something wrong with me?"

I asked myself not even knowing the answer to that question.

"I HATE THIS~! *Pant* *Pant*.."

I shouted hitting the hall with my fist out of anger at myself for being so senseless.

"Royal, I need some air, I'm going on my own. Let me be~."

Cloudy said just enough to let me hear as I kept my head toward the ground seeing all the blood splattered everywhere.

It was later afternoon now focusing on the upstairs area with Hunter beginning to question the chimera wondering what it can do.

"How much will it take to reach the mainland."

"The amount I have is close, not enough sadly. Need more and will be ready."

"How did you get here?"

"I returned when I smelled more humans lurking on ship."

"How did you know of the god inside the void dimension?"

"It massacred my family, all allowed me to escape using their lives. I fled, found you, ran away from you."

It said putting the puzzles Hunter was missing formed a picture of what happened entirely.

"Just remember that if you choose to go back on your word that will also be the last thing you will do."

Hunter exclaimed, making sure it understood.

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