Book 4 | Ch. 12 - Gifted Trauma

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The snow dropped rather gloomy, reciprocating maybe just a little of what I was going through. At least the land was in some capacity sharing a bit of the feelings I have. I watched and watched some more with the cold snowy breeze filling the frozen land with its air. I let out a sigh seeing the air leave my mouth and continued to gaze at the moon at its highest before minutes later I heard footsteps closing toward me. It was Nick and it was fairly obvious no thanks to the flame he brought out. I never looked back, only taking in the vast frozen land ahead of us.

"Why the hell are you up~. *Yawn~*."

He asked, still hardly able to keep his eyes open.

"Nothing much."

"What's going on with you? Both me and that idiot inside have noticed you acting strange."

He used his thumb to direct my attention back at the house but my sight was still aimed right at the moon.

"Hey, Nick.."

"What is it?"

He replied rather groggy.

"Why is it that we're allowed to look into the moon's light but never the sun?"

"It's too radiant, why are you asking these irrelevant questions?"


"No-.. Ignore what I said, never mind."

"Ok? Well you still haven't answered me yet. What's happening?"

Although I tried to side track the conversation he refused to leave it be and for dead. It's not like I didn't want to tell him, it was that I couldn't tell him. Same thing happened with Cloudy. I couldn't bring up the details of what happened that night, it applies now as well. It's as if I was being restricted heavily. Instead the only thing I could tell him was a single word.


I muttered unintentionally, quivering my arms.

"You've been having nightmares? Surely that will pass on because it's not real."

He was rather sympathetic, making me open my eyes from those words.

"Just know me and the idiot inside are here for you. Even if we bicker, fight, be morons, together we are still brothers at heart right?"

I let out a chuckle, shocking myself how light the mood was getting.

Nick took a glance back at the house seeing the light on, meaning Cloudy was up and out of bed despite it being around midnight.

"Gah-. Speaking of idiot, he's awake. He's gonna start wondering where we are if we don't head back now."

I snatched onto his sleeve preventing him from leaving just yet.

"Hold on a minute-!"

I raised my voice, ultimately regretting it and shifting back my tone to its original volume.

"Hm? What? We should head back."


"What is it, speak up? You usually don't hesitate like this."

"D-do.. you remember the first time we met?"

"Well of course I do. Why are you bringing this up now?"

He gave an instant reply not needing time to register the words I said.

I finally glanced back, giving him a long look at my empty violet eyes.


He was thoroughly interrupted hearing my next speech, our childhood.

I never had the guts to tell you Nick, Cloudy as well due to how disgusting the things I went through back then. I think I'm finally comfortable to tell you now, now that you are somewhat mature enough to keep things a secret.

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