Book 4 | Ch. 1 - Force Of Habit

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Getting a clear sight of the area the monsters lurking around were nowhere near the comparison before they left inside the void. They still banded together but now this time no longer as on edge as before. Blood was sprawled everywhere, the ground, dead trees, rocks, rubble and more. It was a mystery as to what had caused it but with no time to care I focused my time on the boys and their awakening.

"Hmm~.. it's taking too long."

Impatient he attempted to shake them up to no avail, specifically Nick when he tried to unconsciously kick him away for disturbing his nap time. With little time to spare he instead chose the quicker option of slapping them silly with their cheeks puffed up black and blue. All three snapped upward with confusion and vengeance in their eyes, getting a clear sign as to who had blown their cheeks like balloons. Hunter awkwardly stumbled back a few feet trying to make a desperate attempt at fleeing the scene dashing westward. Before he could even a meter out Nick and Cloudy leapt at his legs grappling onto him with revenge written across their faces.

"W-wait boys! Nick, Cloudy if you let me go I'll let you use my weapon how's that sound? Good right~?"

Hunter mumbled pleading for their mercy at their beck and call.

For a moment it seemed to have worked but the two glanced at one another with a blank stare, it took a few seconds but the next thing Hunter spotted was them shaking their heads side to side sealing his fate.

"D-don't do this boys! It was an honest mistake real- GAAH~!"

His legs suddenly went right-side up where his head used to be as he tried to shake off their grasp to no avail. He looked around not seeing Royal anywhere and shouted for him to assist him away from the hooligans. Not long after, no more than ten seconds he really did appear but more aggravated than both Nick and Cloudy.

"Hello~ Mr. Hunter!"

Royal said menacingly with a joyful sadistic expression on his face.

"Do you care to explain why our faces are black and blue with cheeks large enough to fill a jar of nuts?"

Hunter crawled away knowing he was going to be in a world of pain but was denied being pulled by the feet by the other two boys. Not wanting to suffer the wrath of a teenager he began to plead his innocence stating that it was nothing but good intentions but wrong execution.

"I'm telling you it really was an honest mistake! We had to get going and you all wouldn't wake up! You have to believe me! No-.. I'll tell you what~."

"What is it now~?"

Royal said both curious and more annoyed than before.

"I'll allow you to do whatever you want for an entire day no matter what it is~! How's that! Just don't kill me~."


"Beat his ass~!"

Nick shouted wanting revenge not having the gall to get in Royal's way to do it.


Royal pondered.

"Royal, just do it."

Cloudy spoke up.

Royal leered at him with a faint violet sparkle in his eyes.


Hunter whispered to himself about to get an ass kicking of the century.

The best conclusion that Royal came up with was well worth it, to beat him senseless, in the end he had no regrets stating that it was far more satisfying than getting to do what he wanted for a day only. Moments later Hunter wailed in pain getting to know first hand how it felt, not on the cheeks though but his behind. His shrieks of pain could be heard all around while the moon had risen slightly higher than before.

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