Book 2 | Ch. 6 - Parents

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Goosebumps fell over him, he had no clue as to why his body reacted like that but it happened. His eyes sparkled with joy as for only just a moment the motion sickness he had dissipated right until he realized and then he felt like puking again.

"At this point I'm shocked that your body hasn't puked out all of your fluids."

Hunter commented seeing him looking awful again.

"Y-yea yea~.. Damn it just continue before I pass out~."

Hunter gave a small grin accepting and grabbed a chair to sit down before explaining more.

"She was like a princess that needed a knight to keep her from harm, strong willed and was stubborn when it came to a lot of things. But... also fragile~."

He took in a deep breath almost stopping himself from saying more or doing something that he wouldn't want to show. Nick observed closely and sighed speaking up that he didn't have to continue as he told him to leave the room. Hunter had nothing else to say and did as he was told with footsteps getting closer to the exit of the room before Nick heard the door open then close gently shut. After that it was tranquil with the only uncomfortable thing now bothering him was his sickness. He flipped all the way around looking at the ceiling putting one of his hands right above his forehead.

"I never seen him look like that before~. Although I could tell he tried to hide it, it was there. Why did his eyes look so... hurt?"

Walking up toward the top part of the ship Zack spotted Hunter coming his way and welcomed him wondering what he needed. Hunter gave his gratitude for putting up with the four of them and their shenanigan's, specifically pointing out Nick.

"Nah~. Don't mind it so much lad. I've had far worse customers aboard these ships and you aren't even close to being one of them."

He spun the wheel a bit to the left and ordered the crew to turn the flags slightly right making them avoid a large rock protruding from the ocean sea a little ways ahead and asked a question.

"I know this is confidential and we shouldn't push for the reason for your adventure but why is it that you are going to such a place laddie? I can see you aren't aiming for riches."

"There's someone I'm looking for~. To do that I need what is inside that place."

"Mhm~... I understand. I won't pry any further."

Hunter walked away leaving Zack to continue steering the ship with a single thought looming over. It bothered him quite a lot to the point things started to not make sense when put together.

"I'm certain he was told no one was traveling that land. But he's looking for an item? This may be more dangerous than I originally thought~."

In the base of the boat Royal was alone sitting skimming over his notes about all the research he had done wanting to improve on it. Shortly after he was interrupted by two crew members sitting along with him after doing their share of work for the day wanting to get to know him better seeing he was the most normal out of the four.

They all wore bandannas with one wearing red and the other wearing blue.

"Hey thanks for saving us back there. Without your words I wouldn't have been able to hold onto the ledge. The names Winn, if you forget who I am just see that I'm wearing the blue cloth wrapped on my head."

"N-no problem. I can't just stay still when someone is going to die right in from of me."

Royal muttered awkwardly not use to seeing so many people go over to him just to speak with him. One person to his right placed his hand onto his shoulder with great optimism.

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