Book 1 | Ch. 14 - Overshadowed & Misjudged

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"Is that really all there is?"

Royal questioned himself thinking he was hiding more than he let on.

"After the battle against the god Kuruma was injured greatly and had to go into hiding and that was the last time I saw of her until recently."

"W-what abou-."

He was cut off as Hunter kept going on.

"Gatekeeper was hardly injured but needed to go back to his area to guard whatever 'it' he keeps away from others."

Royal became flustered not getting to speak as he pouted getting his attention telling him he wanted to speak as well. Hunter chuckled rubbing his hair with the palm of his hand as he gave into his demand.

"What is Gatekeeper guarding? And why is he so defensive about it? When you left he was quite hostile towards us as if he wanted us gone as fast as humanly possible."

The moon struck mid as the light shined throughout the town with the stars glistening in beauty. Cold air brewed and brushed against them with the greenery following the waves of wind passing on by. All the buildings looked old with age spots and cracking paint, clean windows and shutters with rubble and debris laying in various spots that people would ignore. Royal walked along side Hunter with his eyes wide open looking at every corner and alleyway awaiting his answer. It felt like he had just stepped foot into another world with its own rules and laws.

"I know you're curious about Gatekeeper but I don't want to get too far in detail right now. I'd rather save some details to share with you later when we can spend more time together. For now I'll tell you this much. Gatekeeper is as the name states a guardian of sorts. As to what he is protecting I don't know. He's been guarding something for years now and it seems like he doesn't want to tell anyone about it. He's protecting it with his life and will continue to do so until his dying breath."

Royal was stunned and couldn't believe what he heard.

"You mean that's all he does?"

Hunter nodded not saying a word.

And you have known him for so long and he never told you any of this?"

His voice raised high in confusion. Hunter grabbed hold of his shoulder giving him a reassuring nod. 

"Don't worry about Gatekeeper, he's got his reasons. Just remember he's not one to trust easily and hates everyone equally so keep that in mind. He smiled jokingly as if that was a good thing.

"O- Alright~."

Royal muttered awkwardly.

"Now let's get moving."

They started walking again heading back into the city while Royal was lost in thought. His eyes opened wide and his jaw dropped as they went deeper into the city. The streets were filled with people coming and going with their daily lives even with the moon in full display while shops were set up and ready to sell whatever goods they had. People were buying and selling food, clothes and other various items from one another while merchants were yelling trying to get people to buy their products. It was lively and vivid for such an hour as Royal let out a small smile.

Hunter on the other hand continued walking without a care.

"Wow this place is bustling with life~"

"It sure is."

"So this is what a normal day looks like huh? I'm usually asleep by now when I was in the orphanage so I feel a bit like I'm doing something wrong right now~."

"Yeah. Come on we should get inside before we freeze to death out here."

Hunter led the way as Royal followed close behind. They passed by a man dressed in leather armor wearing a sword at his waist. A woman of average height wearing a black cloak carrying a large wooden box on her shoulders approached them asking if they could carry it for her. Royal agreed to help her since she didn't look like she had a good grip of it. The woman thanked him and asked if they were going to the guild up north. They shook their heads saying they weren't and headed back into the main street. The woman started to walk off when she turned back to them.

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