Epilogue, A Journeys End

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If I could describe my life in one word it would be chaos. Although it was a good kind of chaos, in the months since I've returned home everyone was just as I remembered them. But for now I'll go over a bit that has happened in that time.

Right after the end of last chapter...

"So care to explain why you are so fucked up?" Nathan asks as he gestures me to sit in the living room with everyone.

"It's a long story...." I say.

"Well we've got all the time in the world" Nathan says.

"*Sigh* if you insist" I say as I begin telling the story that led me back home.

2 hours later

"Danm......so dose that mean?" Angel asks softly.

"Yep I no longer have my powers and the only thing I kept was my skills and experience I've gained along the way" I say.

"Does it bother you?" Jill asks.

"Nah, in all honesty I'm fed up with fighting and my plan is to simply spend my time with everyone here happily" I say smiling before I remembered something.

"Which reminds me, do you want me to help on kill mission's?" I ask.

"Actually we haven't done that stuff in a long time, a few months after you died Alya dropped by and with the use of a holy grail from now on any info people get about us is instantly destroyed or forgotten, and with the help of Lisa here she can use her powers to disguise us if we need to head into town for groceries" Jackie says.

"Really?......although I'm not surprised she never told me, Alya always was a vague person" I say.

"So Archer really is gone?" Zero asks.

"Yeah.....although he did tell me to tell you that he was sorry...." I say.

"That asshole..." Zero whispers smiling slightly as she cried.

"......don't worry nobody else is going to die.....ever again.....because from now on I'm going to try my best from now on" I say rubbing her shoulder.

"*Sniff* you know that what he said before you went with Zalga and came home with Lazari" Zero says softly.

"Speaking of gone, where's Lazari?" I ask.

"Oh! You're right! She's been in her room almost all day, she probably has her headphones in listening to music, give me a moment" Slenda says before she disappeared before reappearing wish Lazari standing confused next to her. She had her red hair tied in a ponytail, and she had on black sweat pants, and a grey T-shirt.

"H-huh? What's u-........" She began to ask but she froze when she saw me.

"Hay" I say waving at her causing her to faint!

2 months later.

It took a while but we eventually got Artoria and Mordred's rooms set up. Currently I was sitting outside at the back of the house doing something I never thought I would do, gardening.

It became a hobby of mine, since it's the beginning of the colder months I'm trying my hand with growing pumpkins with Lisa's help.

"I think their looking pretty good" I say as me and Lisa admire our work.

"Yep!" She says happily.

"Yo David Benny got stuck in T.V again!" The voice of Mordred says from above us through a window.

"*Sigh* be there in a minute!" I yell back as I shake my head.

Benny recently figured out she can morph the T.Vs in the house with her powers and she's been using that as a way to mess with people, but sadly for her she sometimes gets caught halfway inside the T.V's forcing one of us to yank her out.

1 year later.

It's been a whole year since we've returned and in that time a bit has happened. First me and Angel officially became an Item, next is Jess and Nathan also became a thing too. In all honesty they bounce off one another pretty well so it makes sense.

Currently I was in Ann's office testing something out.

"Ok now try and move it to the left" she says as I say in a table next to her holding a clipboard. What I was testing out was a robotic arm Benny and she made. Unsurprisingly it's a little hard doing things with only one arm.

"I think I got I-*BAM!*" suddenly the arm tweaked out and smashed the table in half causing me to fall to the ground through it.

"Maybe not...." I gron.

Present Day

"Come on David or you'll miss them!" Lisa yells as I run out the front door and quickly sit in my seat next to our outback fire pit. Tonight was a meteor shower and we are all sitting out waiting for thr show to start.

"Thank God it's summer.....I hate the cold" I say as Angel leans her head on my shoulder.

"Mmm, I kinda like snow" she says.

"Why's that?" I ask.

"Because it reminds me of your old hair, to be honest it looks better white" she says playfully twirling my black hair.

"Maybe I'll dye it..." I say.

"Look!" Mordred yells pointing up as streak's of light shot across the night sky.


"Something wrong?" Angel asks.

"No......it's just good to be home" I say softly as I look at the night sky.


I'm finally truly home.

And.....it feels nice.....

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