Chapter#17 Nijo Temple

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It's been 3 hours since the incident at the bridge, currently we are standing in the entrance of the hotel for a debriefing from Azazel.

"Ok here's what we know, Caó Caó and his force's have gathered around Nijo temple and around it a large about of chi has been building, the Sitri team will guard around Kyoto and deal with any golems the might appear, the Gremory team will assault the temple with the help of Ruler and his group I will also be sending Saji to help as well, Issei I need you prepared if he loses control of his powers" Azazel says.

"Understood" Issei says.

"I've got a bad feeling about this....." I say quietly.

"Ok let's head out!" Mordred says as she and the others go outside but Issei was stopped by Azazel.

"Issei I found this trying to get into your room earlier" Azazel says and in his hands was a crimson sphere.

"That's what came out of you on the train" a voice says from Issei's hand.

"Wait that's my potential!" Issei yells grabbing it but as soon as he did it disappeared into his body.

"I don't feel any different" he says.

"You'll probably have to unlock it still" I say walking past him.



Currently we now are standing outside Nijo Temple waiting for Xenovia who was running late because something came in from the church.

"Aaaahhh, how long will we have to wait" Mordred grons.

"Sorry I'm late guys!" The voice of Xenovia says as she runs up to us.

"Ask and you shall receive" I say as she stops Infront of us.

"What's that?" Issei asks pointing to the large sword slung over her shoulder, said sword was about 6 feet long, gold and blue.

"This is why I'm late, the church finally finished adding the fragments of Excalibur to Durandal" she says.

"Fragments?" Artoria asks.

"Yep, a long time ago Excalibur got broken into shards and those shards were eventually recovered by the church, Its best you talk to Kiba about this though after this" Xenovia says.



Suddenly the doors of the temple gates opened and the familiar purple smoke flooded around us and the world changed signaling we were in the affects of Dimension Lost.

"I guess they know we're here" I say as we walk in.

"Look who finally decided to show up" Caó Caó says standing on top of a roof with Siegfried and 2 new people, one was a woman with long golden hair tied in a braid and blue eyes, she wore orange armor with a small cape around her waist. Next was a big dude with long ash grey hair with leather armor.

"Where's my mother!"Kunao yells her response from Caó Caó was him pointing his spear to our left.

"Mother!" Kunao yells as Yakasa stood there with two people griping her arms, she had long blonde hair tied in a fancy ponytail held in place with ornate pins and a golden fan, and she wore an elegant golden kimono, her once gold eyes now faded.

"Say something! Don't you recognize me?!" Kunao yells.

"What did you do to my mother?!" Kunao yell's.

"Don't you remember I told you she was helping us out with a little experiment, here check it out" Caó Caó says taping his spear on the ground and now sooner after he did that Yasaka began to hold her head in pain.

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