Chapter#22 The Dark Blade....

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"Ok everyone time to get up" I say knocking of my group's doors as I walk down the hall and out a set of large silver side doors and into a large courtyard Lord Gremory said we can use for training.

"Ah David good morning!" To my right was Sirzechs and Greyfiya walking into the courtyard from the direction of the garden.

"Good morning Lord Sirzechs" I say bowing.

"Where are your companions?" He asks walking up to me.

"They are getting ready now and should be here any minute, I wish for us to do some training so we don't become rusty on our trip here" I say.

"Ah I see, what sort of training do you plan on doing" be asks.

"Mordred and Artoria will be sparing Archer will do whatever he does for training and I will be meditating" I say.

"I see, well I wish you luck in doing so, today I am to accompany Rias and her group to an interview with the media about the Raiding Game later, chaó" Sirzechs says waving to me as he entered the castle.

"I said no Archer I'm not letting you shoot my sword out of your bow, and besides you can just copy it like David so just do that" Mordred says and behind her was Artoria and Archer.

"True but my copy's are fakes and are nowhere as strong as the real deal" Archer says.

"The answer is no Archer and besides I don't think David here wants us firing off a noble phantasm here" Mordred says looking at me.

"Indeed you are correct Mordred, we are guests here and we will treat this place with respect and not blow it up" I say.

"Ok, enough of that, you know the drill" I say and with that everyone nodded.


Currently I am walking through the cold lonely world of my realty marble taking count of the swords I have and making sure I didn't miss anything about them previously.

"Ok that is number 10,233, I believe that's all of them" I say as I begin to walk back to the hill at the center but as I was walking something caught my eye.

It was a dark blade with red engravings along it's blade.

It was Excalibur Morgan

"How in the hell are you here.....I shouldn't be able to copy something like Excalibur....nor you...." I say walking up to it. The blade seemed to eat all the light around it and cast an eerie red and purple glow around it.

Slowly my hand reached forward and wrapped around it and with a tug I ripped it out of the snowy ground and began to admire it. The cold moon above causing it to shine in it's light like obsidian.

"How interesting...." I say but quickly I noticed something VERY wrong.


"Gugh!!" Suddenly a spark of red light zapped my hand and to my shock and horror red vain like marking began to wrap up my arm and around my body!

"Wh-!!" I didn't get to finish as I was engulfed in a black and red light before darkness took me!

Mordred POV

"*Huff, huff* ok I think I'm done" I say sitting down with the clank of my armor.

"You've improved.......good job" Father says much to my shock!

's-she!....she acknowledged my strength!' I mentally scream to myself as I had to resist the urge to squeal like a child.

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