Chapter#11 Last Charge Of A King

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"HAAAAAAAAGHHHHH!!!" I yell as me Iskandar, Waver, and the army at our backs charged at the King of Hero's!

"United dreams under a banner of conquest, I appraise your efforts at the least, but foolish warriors have you not learned? Dreams disappear when the dreamer wakes.....every last one of them with no exception" Gilgamesh says as a single golden portal appeared in his hand and from it to his hand he held a large key with gears adorning it's hilt and with a flick of his wrist the gears began to turn and morph and from the top of the key a massive red grid like pattern shot into the sky before with a flash of light it disappeared and in its place stood a single orb of golden light infront of him, and from the orb came something to this day hurt's my brain simply thinking about it.


      It was a #$&#&#&π£€^©%}¶∆


            I can't comprehend it.......

It looked like a sword....its large hand guard was gold with blue markings on it, the handle was of pure gold, the 'blade' was not consisted of 5 black cylinders with neon red runes adorning it and on the top stood a fine point of gold.

I knew if I tried to even attempt to trace that THING! I would would destroy my mind breaking it apart till I was nothing but a vegetable.

All I could get from it was it's name....



The battle was over the second Gilgamesh pulled it out......NOTHING I had could come close to the power that blade had.......not even Zalga with her full power would stand even the slightest chance against such a weapon.....

But we kept on charging......our yells of battle echoing across the sands.....we knew this was a useless endeavor trying to fight......but we didn't

             WE YELLED LOUDER!!!

"Now King of Conquer's, and boy of fire know the beginning and end of your dream, I shall show you the stark reality...." Gilgamesh says as the cylinders of EA began to rotate and slowly red like energy began to gather around it in a vortex and whip around like a maddening cyclone!

"Here it comes!!" Iskandar yells as we keep charging!

"Now awaken EA! A stage worthy of your presence has presented itself!" Gilgamesh yells as the red energy truly began to rage it felt like I was running into the teeth of a great monster, my eyes began to blur and my legs felt weak as I kept on running and as I did I passed rider and shot my hand out!!

"RHO! AIAS!!!!!" I screamed as loud as I could and Infront of us was the largest Rho Aias I have ever created! It spanned over 100 feet in diameter and the 7 ethereal pink shields glowed with magnificent brilliance as my will and determination flowed through it!

"Stand behind me! I WILL PROTECT YOU!" I yell.

"NOW RETURN TO THE BEGINNING!" Gilgamesh yells as the energy finished building to a fine point at the top of EA it looked like a miniature sun and it glowed with an UNGODLY amount of energy!

"ENNUMA ELLISH!!" Gilgamesh yelled pointing the sword at us and from it a MONUMENTALLY large beam of red energy shot from it and around it whips of red energy cracked the ground and tore it asunder! It was like the world itself was being ripped apart and stitched back together!

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