Chapter#14 Change In Scenery

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After a flash of light and burst of wind we now found ourselves in uncharted territory. Looking around we were in the middle of a large living room with an average sized TV, 4 black leather couches and a single rocking chair in the corner, in the middle of the room was an end table. The carpet was grey, and the walls were painted brown. The kitchen was quite big with a large island table in the middle, a whine case on a counter, a large fridge, and cabinets filled with pots, pans,and plates, and in the draws had cutlery.

Down a long hall to the right of the kitchen had our individual rooms and one guest bedroom.

Looking to the wall a clock read 6:47pm, the month was April 16th of 2018.

"Ok everyone go set yourselves up in your rooms and meet back in the living room when you're done" I say and with a nod they disappeared into their respective doors at the end of the hall.

"*Sigh* ok David you can do this, and keep yourself grounded here this is not the time to feel bad for have a job to do" I say as I look at myself in the mirror of the bathroom off to the side of the living room.

I looked different, my hair was now back to it's old black shaggy look, and my eyes were brown, sadly though it looked like Alya didn't get rid of my scars, the large scar across my cheek remains and the twisted one up my arm was still there. Luckily the command seals I was given only show up when I used them so I won't get questions on having a tattoo or be associated with a gang. Also good news or bad news the way you look at it we all died in our mid to late teens so we'll fit in as 3rd years at the school.

"Man......this is going to be an interesting trip.....I can just feel it.....and I'm not sure I like it" I whisper as I hear the closing of cabinet's and the flick of the stove turning on.

"Huh, Archer what are you doing?" I ask leaving the bathroom.

Archer was standing in the kitchen in a black T-shirt and brown slacks, it looked like he was cooking something.

"I'm cooking dinner, Alya said to me once, eating is a good way to restore mana, and since you and saber were dooking it out not to long ago it would stand you need to recover" he says placing meat and veggies in a pan and to my surprise flipping it like a pro.

"Uh, when did you learn to cook like that?" I ask leaving on the island.

"When I was alive I traveled a lot so I picked up on a few things......also when I was adopted by Kiritsugu he couldn't cook worth a damn so I had to learn at a early age so he didn't burn the house down" Archer says as he flicked some seasoning into the pan and began tossing it.

"Stir fry?" I ask.

"Yep something simple" he responded.

"Well I'll leave you to it I'm going to see why the others are taking so long" I say walking out of the kitchen and down the hall.


'huh what's that noise?' I think as I hear a loud thump coming from Mordred's room.

"Uh you ok in there?" I ask knocking on the door.

'WHAM!' Another slam was the response.

"Mordr-*WHAAAM!*" I was interrupted by the door blowing off it's hinges and the door hitting me in the face throwing me against the wall!

"What the hell!" I yell.

"Fuck off father I will not hear another word from your mouth!" Mordred yell's.

"I'm trying to apologize, please hear me out" Artoria says.

"W-what the hell?" I gron pushing the door off me and looking up I was greeted by a strange sight. Mordred was trying to skewer Artoria with Clarent in her panties but was missing horribly as Artoria dodged every slash, Artoria was in a simple white long sleeve shirt with sweat pants.

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