Chapter#18 Never Give Up!

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"DODGE!" I yell shooting another arrow at them causing a small explosion to ring out as they are forced to jump out of it's way!

"This is getting ridicules!" Jeanne yell's.

"Hahahah, try this!" Herakles yells as he slammed both his hands together and forming around them was a giant missile.....except it wasn't pointing at me!

"Bye bye you annoying little girl!" He yells shooting it at Asia and Kunao!

"ASIA!!!" Issei yell's trying to run to them but he was knocked away by Caó Caó's spear!

"Not on my watch!" I yell dashing to them while stretching out my hand.

"RHO AIAS!" I yell luckily blocking the missile just in time!

"You've got some nerve doing that type of shit Infront of me!" Issei yell's.

"I think I've had just about enough of this......MORDRED!"I yell.

"Understood!" He yelled back as she jumped back a few feet from Seig and lifted her sword above her head, when she did the hand guard of the sword split into 4 vents and from them shot a beam of red light into the sky!

"What the hell is that?!" Issei yells.

"Back the fuck up Father and Kiba!" Mordred yells as she turned to Caó Caó and his groups direction.

"NOW RAGE, CLARANT BLOOD ARTHUR!!" Mordred yell's slamming her blade down and releasing a torrent of red energy at Caó Caó causing a massive explosion!


"how'd that feel dickhe-!" Issei yells but he was interpreted by me knocking him to the ground as Caó Caó's spear shot out of the dust cloud nearly impaling him!

"Holy shit you just saved my bacon!" Issei says.

"No problem now keep your head on a swivel!" I say.

"Y-yeah" he says standing back up.

"I'll admit that definitely hurt" Caó Caó says as the dust cleared. He and his group looked banged up but were still alive.

"How the fuck are you still alive!?" Mordred yells as she flicked her horned helmet down causing it to shape around her chest plate and back.

"My spear duh" Caó Caó says.

"Hacks I call hacks!" Issei yells.

"No I'm just really strong, although I'm surprised you didn't have her try and kill me" Caó Caó says pointing to Artoria.

"I won't risk my friends life's just to kill you" Artoria says glaring at him.


"Ok I've had enough" Caó Caó says as his spear glowed gold and in an instant me Mordred and Artoria were stabbed and slashed by his spear!

"W-what!!!" I gron as blood shot across the ground Infront of me!

"David!" Issei yells.

"You too dragon" he says standing Issei I'm the stomach causing him to fall flat on his face to the ground unmoving!

"H-how the hell did you do that?!" I gron trying to stand in vain.

"This spear can extend at the speed of sound so I just stabbed you all super fast" Caó Caó says.

"I-I'll kill you bastard!" Mordred yells as she try's to push herself off the ground.

"Don't you'll open your wound more!" I yell and she reluctantly layed back down.

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