Chapter#7 Meeting Of King's

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'calm down David..' I think as I take a few deep breaths to calm down.


"Huh?!" Turning around I see rider has drawn his sword deflecting a black dagger aimed at Waver!

"Master please stand behind me it looks like we have visitors" rider says causing Waver to cower behind him.


Suddenly meny figures appear out of puffs of black smoke surrounding us. They all had black body suits and the top half of a white skull on their faces.

"I thought assassin was dead?" I ask.

"It would seem we were wrong" rider says.


"Ah I see.....your Hassan of a thousand faces, that explains a lot" I say as I finished reading their weapons causing the assassin standing in the front to gasp in surprise.

"How do you know who we are?!" She yells flicking two black daggers in her hands.

"It doesn't matter......look I hate killing and right now I'm in a very bad mood so unless you wanna be sent back to the throne of heros I suggest you head back to your master and fuck off.....or I'll put every one of you in a body bag" I say deathly serious as red sparks snap off my hands.


"Fine..." She says before everyone disappears.

"Well don't you have a scary aura" rider says smacking my back.

"Yeah well if you lived with the people I did you pick up on a few things" I say.

"Oh whare are you going boy?" Rider asks as I turn away and begin walking away.

"Back to my master" I say.

"Why don't I give you a ride it's the least I can do as thanks for helping us out" rider says.

"I.......*sigh*.....fine..." I say closing my eyes and smiling slightly.


"Uhhh why am I here?" I ask sitting down in the Enezbernz courtyard next to saber and rider.

"Call it my way of rewarding you for your help again" rider says slamming his hand onto a barrel of mead and taking a ladle and taking a swig of the red drink.

To make a long story short when rider brought me back to the Enezbernz castle he insisted that me and saber join him for a banquet of kings and me join as a reward for helping fend off assassin.

"The grail is said to be fated to fall into the hands of the one most worthy to possess it and the epic battle taking place here in Fuyuki will determine who exactly that person is, and if it's simply a means to decide that fact there's hardly a need for bloodshed, afterall heroic spirits can agree on our rankings, then the matter can simply solve itself" rider says handing saber the ladle of mead with her responding and drinking from it and handing it back.

"Then I assume you wish to compare your rank against my own rider?" Saber says.

"Indeed I do, as one who also claims the title of king you cannot refuse this opportunity, you might consider this a grail dialogue rather than a grail war, and the matter of whom among us is suited the claim the grail will become clear to us as we drink our fill and converse" rider says.

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