Chapter#10 Friction

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It's been 5 hours since lancer died and Irisviel passed out, currently me and saber are sitting in the shed we helped turn into a magical workshop for Irisviel. She lays in the middle of a blue glowing magic circle, not me nor saber have said much of anything since she fainted......and to be honest...I'm actually starting to worry how this grail war will end...

"......n...huh...." Slowly Irisviel's eyes opened from he spot on the floor.

"Master!" I yell running to her side.

"D-David.....were are we?" She asks weakly.

"In the workshop, you fainted so we brought you here to recover" I say helping her sit up.

"T-thanks you.....truly....." She says.


The boundary field alarm was tripped!!

"D-do not worry that's Mya...." Irisviel says as we helped her to her feet.


"I see....." I say holding my chin in thought.

"Yes Tokiomi Tohsaka wishes to meet with you in 30 minutes to discuss an alliance" Mya says.

"He believes us to be the weakest bunch left due to our phantasms being on recharge" saber says.

"Yeah although not for much longer, since we've brought Irisviel here and sitting so close to a magical layline I've managed to quicken my recovery and I'll be able to use my powers within the next two hours" I say as I flex my hand causing red sparks to dance across my arm.

"We should keep that a secret if he betrays us" I say.

"Mya can you drive us to the church" saber asks.

"Yes follow me"


"First allow me to thank you for coming here at my behest, I very much appreciate it let me introduce Kiri Kotomine my apprentice, while we were once honorable combatants in this battle for the holy grail all that is now in the past he has lost his servant and as a result has yielded his right as a master." Tokiomi says greeting us.

"What is your opinion of this war?" Tokiomi asks Irisviel.

"I have no opinion, we have the two most powerful servants, saber and the second archer" Irisviel says.

"I won't say most powerful but not to toot my own horn were both capable of literally leveling the entire uh...yeah..." I say rubbing my nose.

"Yes I've been meaning to ask about this how is it you've been summoned as an archer even though one has already been summoned?" Tokiomi asks me.

"Ah to be honest it was probably Alya, this is my first time being summoned in a holy grail war plus she kinda owes me for helping save her hide a few years ago and the grail is my ticket to getting revived and sent back home to my family, and as for my class it was likely her messing with me due to the fact I have a annoying past with another Archer servant so this is probably her fucking with me in some way and as for my noble phantasm it's a blade I myself made in life, when I used for the first time when I was alive straight up destroyed my mortal body and sent me to the throne of heros, and the blade itself probably would be ranked EX like Excalibur or something because it has the power to literally cut Fate, concepts, and other things in two, if someone would say put me in a reality marble I could use the sword to destroy it and exit the yeah.....only draw back is it takes a bit to charge due to the aria I need to say and the fact it completely drains my mana reserve's" I explain.

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