Chapter#24 Catastrophe

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David POV


I was cold.......

I'm walking through an endless black void......alone......I'm scared.....I'm alone.

Until.....I saw it......a warm light.....

"....A..v....d........Da........David!......." Suddenly a voice pulled me from the darkness and I found myself in a green field filled with flowers and the gentle gusts of wind in my face....and then I saw him.....he was standing Infront of me about 10 feet away. He looked the same as he did when I first met him, his silver eyes met my red as we just stared at each other, it felt like hours before one of us spoke.

" made it to the throne....I'm impressed....your succeeded in saving Lisa and now your on the road to finally head home" he says smiling softly at me.

"Yeah.....I just have one more fight.....then it's over....I can see them again..." I say softly.

"You shouldn't have touched that sword" he says.

"Yeah....luckily everyone is ok...." I say.

"True, but you must know the final battle is fast approaching" he says.

"Yeah.....Angra Minyu is planning something......but I thought he would have attacked us already.....isn't he supposed to be super strong.....when I touched him back in Kyoto he felt..........hollow, like he was crumbling away..." I say.

"Because he is, without the grail supporting him he's dying, and soon he'll fade away" Archer says.

"Then what was the point to send us here if he was going to die in the end anyway?" I ask.

"To isolate you in a place for you to gather powerful ally's" he says.

"For what? If Angra Minyu's going to die then what's the point?" I ask.

"He's planning something....Alya looked into things with the help of a few other servants and recently a large amount of magical activities have popped up all around the world in this timeline, Angra Minyu has been collecting something.....were not sure what but we believe he plans on making his move during the Raiding Game." He says.

"My friend's are there! I-I need to get to them!" I yell.

"You will but first me and you are going to fight...." Archer says summoning Konshou and Bakuya to his hands.

"W-what you've gotta be kidding me! This isn't the time for us to be fighting!" I yell as Archer rushed me! Quickly I summon my own blades as we began to fight!

Mordred POV

"COME ON!!" I yell from my seat as Kiba and Xenovia are trying thier hardest to cut off Siroarg's arm in their fight!

'they need to make him use his Phoenix tears! DO IT!' I scream to myself.

""HAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!"" They both yell as they finally managed to cut off his arm!

"HELL YEAH!" I yell pumping my fist!

"Gugh!.........n-not bad, you are both indeed strong, this Raiding Game is to show the whole underworld our skills in battle.....I wasn't born with the power of destruction like my cousin Rias so I had to hone my body to it's utmost limit's to get where I am today, I'm sorry but I can't loose here!" Siroarg says as he reattached his arm with the Phoenix tears and then proceeded to one shot Xenovia, Kiba, and Sensei in the blink of an eye!

"I'm sorry but I'm fighting to win, and I will not hold back" he says before he was sent back to his balcony.

".....that doesn't look good...." Archer says.

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