Chapter#19 Together We Are Stronger

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Welp I've decided that if I see that buda I will stab him in the dick. The asshole knocked me out, luckily Issei carried me back to my hotel room and I learned later that Yakasa is now safe with Kunao.

Currently I'm walking down the hall with my hands in my sweatpants pockets, I'm wearing black sweat pants and white socks.

'I wonder what is for breakfast?' I think as I walk into the hotels dining room, everyone was in there, when I opened the door I was met with the wide eyes of Mordred and Issei looking at me and the looks of complete shock from Kiriu, Matsuda and Motohama.

"Uhhh, is there something on my face?" I ask.

"Dude what the fuck happened to you?!" Motohama yell's pointing at me.

"Huh?" I ask confused but my question was answered by Artoria pointing to my hair and then it hit me.

I never reactivated my own seal leaving me in my real appearance, my shaggy white hair and gnarly scars on full display for everyone to see.

"I....uh..." I say but was unable to speak.


"Sorry I hid this.....I was useing make-up" I say trying to salvage the situation.

"Why hide all this?" Kiriu asks pointing to my toned chest and scars.

"I don't like to stick out" I say sitting down at the table as I graze my hand through my white hair.

"And the scars?" Motohama asks.

"Look all I'll say on them is I didn't have the best life before I came to Kuoh......currently my only priority in my life right now is getting back to my family" I say.

"Your family?" Matsuda asks.

"Yeah, a problem came up and fate dictated me to be forced away from them.....right now I have some stuff to do here before I can go back to them" I say softly.

"I see....." Kiriu says.

"Wait you and Emiya have white hair are you too related?" Motohama asks.

"I wouldn't say that but we have a connection in some and him are kinda two sides of the same coin" I say.

"I don't get it?" Kiriu says.

"Picture them as opposites" Mordred says.

"Opposites?" Motohama asks.

"Yeah the two of them don't get along due to their ways of thinking go in complete contrast to one another" Mordred says.

"I see like an evil twin!" Kiriu says.

"I wouldn't go that far, Archers a good man at heart but sometimes his way of doing things can be a little intense" I say.

"Sooooo~ why's your hair white?" Kiriu asks.

"Stress among other things......" I say.

"I see so what color was your hair before?" She asks.

"Black and my eyes were brown" I say.

"Oooo~ hmmmm you said you have a family waiting for you, got any siblings?" She asks causing me to stiffen.

"I would recommend stopping he looks a bit haggard" Artoria says but I stop her.

"No it's fine, and yeah I do have a sister her name is Lisa, she has black hair and green eyes like Asia" I say smiling slightly.

"I see......also you know David the others might be all over you now, those scars and sharp eyes might just make them fall for you~" Kiriu says nudging me.

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