Chapter#2 First Impressions

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"woooow~" Irisviel says walking down the stairs of the plane.

"That was amazing! Oh I hope we can do that again soon, I felt like a bird flying above the world!" She says smiling back at me and saber as we exit the plan with luggage in hand.

"You know I kinda have to agree with you, I never flew on a plane when I was alive so that was a new experience for me as well and I wouldn't mind doing it again so long as we don't go over an ocean" I say walking down the stairs.

"I personally find the ocean beautiful I don't understand why you were so scared of it" saber says walking next to me.

"It's because it's so deep and we know so little about not being able to see what's below me in that void freaks me out!" I say shivering.

10 minutes later

The walk through the airport was relatively uneventful besides Irisviel being in awe of everything we passed.

Eventually we made it out to the front parking lot and were met by Kiritsugu's informat in a black limo.

"I thought Kiritsugu wanted to be discreet?" I say as bystanders gawked at the limo.

"Well this was kinda my idea I've never been in a limo before so I thought it would be fun if we rented one" Iri says smiling.

"Allow me" saber says opening the door for Iri.

"Oh why thank you saber" she says climbing into the car fallowed by saber then me.

"Wow, fancy much" I say looking around at the nice interior.

"Hmmhmm!, the Enezbernz spare no expense" Iri says.

"Have you ever been to Japan before David?" Saber asks.

"Nah I never really did any travelling when I was alive but my parents did when they got engaged" I say looking out the window.

"Actually if my memory serves correct they should be in Germany right now" I say quietly.


"Hay you ok David?" Saber asks.

"Oh, uh sorry just reminiscing" I say waving her off.

"You miss them don't you David" Iri says causing me to flinch.

"You could say that.....although I don't really miss them that much anymore....." I say quietly.

"They died didn't they" saber asks.

"Saber that's rude!" Iri says.

"No it's fine......she's right......they died a year and a half before I died......" I say.

"Do you mind if I ask how they died?" Saber asked quietly.

"I had taken my sister to a festival for a fireworks display and when we returned home our house was set on fire......I rushed in to try and help, I found my mother in the kitchen buried under rubble......I tried to save her but I couldn't lift the rubble trapping her.....she told me to leave and I was forced to leave her due to the house collapsing......she died soon dad.....he was murdered by the people who set the house on fire......when I escaped the house my sister disappeared......I-I...."



"David, you're crying" saber says quietly.

"S-sorry......but if it's ok with you master I'd like to drop this subject" I say as I turn my head back to the window.

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