Chapter#20 Welcome To The Underworld!

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It's been 4 days since we've gotten back from Kyoto and since our talk Mordred's attitude has definitely improved, hell this morning she actually tried to have a normal conversation with Artoria. It didn't last long but it was a start, while we were gone Archer managed to scout the whole town and assist Rias with killing a stray devil. He said while scouting he found no sign of Angra Minyu's presence which worries me knowing he's out there somewhere doing god knows what. Currently me and Mordred are sitting in the ORC building waiting for Rias to arrive to give an announcement and whatever it is she sounded excited about it.

"Yo Koneko you didn't have much trouble with Archer did you?" I ask the white haired girl sitting next to me.

"No, he actually made me yummy food while you were gone......" She says flatly.

"Awww no fair" Mordred grons.

"Snooze you loose" Koneko says.

"Well it seems you guys are getting along nicely" the voice of Rias says as she, Issei and Akeno enter the room.

"So what's the wait for?" I ask.

"Well recently before you showed up I spoke to my brother down in the underworld, during that time Issei here fought my cousin and in a few days from now we have scheduled a Raiding game against him." Rias explains.

"Raiding game?" Mordred asks confused.

"A Raiding game is a contest to show off the strength of a kings servant's against one another as a way to increase ones standing in the underworld" Rias explains.

"So in layman's terms you beat the shit out each other to show off you're social standing" I say.

"Pretty much, last time we had one we almost won but the guy we fought had Immortality and Prez had to surrender.....the Raiding game was us trying to stop an arranged marriage Prez had with a douche....I was weak back then and this time I'm going to make sure we win!" Issei says raising his fist.

"Don't forget how you gave up your arm" Issei's arm says.

"Uh, but he has his arm" Mordred says pointing at Issei.

"Not entirely, I gave it up to Draig in exchange for 10 seconds of power to use a shitty version of my Balance Breaker, and luckily I beat the shit out of the guy Rias was being forced to marry and won" Issei says.

"Dose it feel any different?" I ask.

"Sometimes it hurts and is a little numb but other than that I feel fine" Issei says.

"Ok back to the topic of the Raiding game why are you telling us any of this?" I ask.

"Well I talked to my brother and I managed to get your group VIP spot's in a booth with an amazing view of the stadium we will be in." Rias says smiling.

"Isn't it taking place in the underworld? How will we get there and no way in hell are we turning into devil's, no offense" I say.

"None taken, and you will be given soul passes and we will use the Gremory train and head into my houses territory in the underworld, from there we will be staying at my home for a few days while my brother and his associates set up the game, next we will use a tram system to climb up a mountain to the stadium" Rias explains.

"I see....very well that sounds good, when will we be leaving?" I ask.

"Tomorrow afternoon at 3:00pm, make sure you pack, we will also have room's set up for you at my estate next to the Gremory main castle so you all may have your privacy" Rias says smiling.

"Awww but we just got back from Kyoto" Mordred grons.

"It'll be fine, and besides if you just lounge out and do nothing while eating Archer's food it will make you get rusty with swordsmanship" I say.

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