Chapter#13 Self Hate Takes Hold.

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"My....fault....." Those words fell off my tongue like battery acid......they hurt to hear, especially from someone like saber.

"Yes, you caused this with your summoning, maybe had you just died none of this would have happened......but that doesn't matter now the grail is gone and I will take my revenge." Saber says as she swings her sword were my head was but to my shock my body moved out of instinct and I was now standing on my feet a good 40 feet away.

"S-saber stop please!" I yell but instead her sword came flying at me causing me summon a sword to block it but as the blade collided with mine she shot at me kneeing Excalibur Morgan's handle causing me to get sent flying into a pile of rubble.

"Saber! Please stop it I don't wanna fight you!" I yell summoning Konshou and Bakuya to my shaking hands.

"The time for talk has passed!" She yells as she held out her blade Infront of her and a blackish purple and red energy begin to burst from it before she raised her blade above her hand!

'wait is she doing what I think she's doing!!!!' I scream to myself.

"Excalibur-!!" She yells as the blade's dark energy began to build!

"Shit!, RHO AIAS!!" I yell just in time as the flower shield appears in front of me!

"-Morgan!" Saber yell's slamming her blade down causing a literal beam of dark energy to burst from her sword at me like a tidel wave!


Instantly five of the 7 petals broke causing my arms muscles to snap and blood to shoot out of our of my nose and mouth!

"Neegh!!" I yell as the beam finally disappeared.

"*Huff, huff* s-saber stop!" I yell holding my damaged limp arm.

"........" No words came from her as she glared at me with anger and disgust.

"Fine I'll make you stop!, I am the bone of my sword!" I yell as I summon 10 black keys. (a weapon that enforcers for the church use, they are small swords with a red grip with hole at the top were a blade shoots out of or sits, all 10 sit in between the fingers mainly used for throwing, once thrown if at a shadow said victim is unable to move temporarily) All 10 hit her shadow causing her to come to a full stop!

'Ok here goes nothing!'

"Steel is my body, fire is my blood"

"I have created over a thousand blades"

"Unaware of the beginning, nor of the end"

"Withstood pain to create inconsistent weapons, my hands will never hold anything"

"Yet my flame never ends, my whole body is made of swords"

"I will cut Fate in two, follow me to the beginning, follow me to the end"

"So as I pray...... UNLIMITED BLADE WORK'S!"


A bright light engulfed me and saber as I luckily managed to get the chant off before she could break through the binds. Now we stood in a cold wasteland of snow, the only light here was the cold lonely moon in the sky casting its faint light on us. Slowly I walked forward and picked up a nameless sword stuck in the ground next to me and held it limply Infront of me.

"*Tsk!* You think such weak weapons would hold me?! You are a fool David, you will die here!" Saber yells rushing me breaking the swords in her shadow!

Instantly the blade in my hand was smashed into pieces as her dark sword was swung! Quickly I summon 5 other swords from around me and quickly shoot them at her but all were knocked away!

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