Chapter#26 Welcome Home.....

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"Hahahahah!" All that was heard in the ORC room was laughter and talking. Currently we are celebrating our victory with a feast, our object of laughter was Merlin getting attacked by Koneko's tiny white cat familiar, the cat was smacking his face having knocked him to the ground causing him to call it a foul beast.

Everyone was here even those we met in Kyoto.......we had won.

Currently I was standing on the balcony looking out over the school yard as the moon gently sat in the stary sky my now black hair blowing gently in the wind.

"Hay David!" A voice says, turning around I was met with Kunao smiling at me.

"Sup Kunao" I say smiling back at her.

"'s nice to see you and Issei again, thanks for helping us so much in Kyoto, truly if not for yours and Issei's help who knows what would have happened" She says bowing her head.

"Hay no need for that, I'm just happy you're from now on let's just do our best for the one's we love" I say kneeling down and ruffling her hair smiling.

"Okay!" She says smiling.

"Ok now why don't you join the others I'll follow you in a minute" I say standing back up.

"KK!" Kunao says running back into the main room.

"I know your there Artoria" I say.

"How did you know I was there?" She asks popping out of the corner.

"I may not have my powers but that doesn't mean I don't have eyes.....your uh new assets were poking out" I say pointing to her newly developed chest of her now fully grown body.

"*Sigh* looks like I'm still not used to this" she says walking up next to me.

"So what did you want?" I ask.

"I just wanted to thank helped me so much and I don't know how to repay you" she says her now vibrant green and blue eyes starring into my silver.

"Heheheh......all you need to do for me now is live, live your life're not king of Britain anymore you don't have any responsibility's you, Mordred, and Archer, tomorrow Alya is going to let us wish on a holy grail that isn't corrupted.....remember that promise we made, tomorrow I'm going to introduce you guy's to my family.....and if you still want, you can join that family" I say smiling at her.

"I-.........*sigh*......yes I remember our promise...fine, from now on I'll do what I want....and yes me and Mordred look forward to meeting your family." Artoria say's smiling softly.

"Are you nervous?" She asks.

"Kinda.....although I'm more excited than anything" I say.

"What's up?" A voice say's, turning around we were met with Mordred grinning.

"We've got Merlin in there being attacked by Koneko's cat can you come help us get it off him?" She asks.

"*Sigh* I suppose" I gron as we follow her into the next room smile's on our faces.

16 hours later.....
Time 11:35am.

"Welp this is it..." I say as me Artoria, Mordred, and Archer now stood in a magic circle outside behind the ORC building with everyone standing Infront of us.

"We're going to miss you dude!" Issei says smiling at me.

"Indeed, I wish you the best of luck" Yakasa says smiling next to a sad looking Kunao, seeing that I slowly walk up to her.

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