Chapter#23 Raiding Game

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Mordred POV

It's been 3 days since David fell unconscious from Belzabub's spell and he still hasn't woken up, good news is we managed to reverse the effect Excalibur Morgan had on him and he's now back to normal......except he won't wake up no matter what we try. Belzabub said he is in perfect health but is still in a coma, and worse is he has no idea when he will wake up. Today we are leaving to watch Rias's group fight in the Raiding Game and sadly it looks like David will miss it, It won't be the same without him with us.

"You coming?" Issei asks poking his head in the medical room I'm in. Next to me is David, he was hooked up with a bunch of medical equipment to keep him healthy while he's in his coma.

"Y-yeah..." I say standing up from a chair next to his bed.

"Hay don't beat yourself up, I'm sure David will wake up any day now" Issei says smiling.

"Yeah.....I hope..." I say following him out of the room.

25 minutes later

Currently we are sitting in a tram as we head to the stadium. I've noticed a few things when I entered the tram. One Rias seems to be acting distant to Issei when normally the two of them are super close. Next was Father, she seems to also lost in thought, probably worried about David and I don't blame hope is she doesn't blame herself for his condition.

"Hay what's with Rias?" I whisper to Issei.

"Well I uh.....well yesterday she asked me what she was to me and when I called her Prez she got mad and yelled at me along with everyone else.....I talked to them earlier this morning before I met up with you and......I realized how much of an ass I've been with not calling her by her name.....and I've just gotten over some past trauma we're not really on speaking terms at the moment not to mention the shit that happened to David.....she blames herself because she was the one who insisted you guys come yeah..." Issei explains.

"I see....I think I understand what you mean with the whole you and Rias situation.....good luck with it and try not to blow it" I whisper because standing up and leaning against the window next to Archer.

"You're still worried aren't you?" Archer asks.

" could you tell?" I say quietly.

"You're eyes narrow when your nervous or in thought..." He says.

"....yeah...I'm worried about scared me seeing him like that and I'm still a little shook from the whole him telling us to kill ourselves" I say shivering at the thought of his cold voice.

"Speaking of which why didn't his command seals work?" I ask.

"It's a safety feature Alya puts on them, the command seals didn't recognize David as the Ruler class when he was like that, truthfully he was more like the avenger class when he was like that so he didn't have the parameters to use them" Archer explains.

"I you think he'll be ok?" I ask.

"No clue.....but Im sure he'll be fine in the end, from what I felt around him after he fell unconscious he entered a state of limbo and he needs some kind of kickstarter to wake up, so when we get back we'll spitball a few things and see what sticks" he says.

"Ok....sounds good....." I say as my eyes wander out the window as we ascend up the tram.

After a few more minutes of silence the tram stopped and the doors opened.

"Yo Greyfiya" Issei says waving at the maid as we leave the tram and step into the large main entrance of the stadium. It looked like a fancy hotel front desk with red and gold carpeted floors, brown fine wood walls and other fancy decor adorning the buildings interior.

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