Chapter#3 Well Of Madness

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The battle began in an instant both fighters disappearing in gusts of wind before reappearing. Their weapons clashing causing sparks to fly across the night illuminating the world around us! Their strikes were fast as lightning as they fought. Sabers attacks were fierce and hit with enough force to cause small shockwaves to burst out each time their blades met!

"Haaaaaah!" Saber yells as she knocked away one spear and parried the other before going to deliver a blow at lancers head but he dodged last second only acquiring a cut across his cheek.

"You know not knowing the length of that sword of yours is becoming troublesome" Diarmuid says rubbing his thumb across the blood dripping down his cheek.

"How do you know I wield a sword?, For all you know I could be useing an axe or a spear" saber says.

"Don't play around, the way your fighting and your stance gives it away" Diarmuid says spinning his longer red spear around before resting it on his shoulder.

'Come on saber end this, you know how his Noble Phantasm works and how to avoid it why not end the battle now while you have the advantage' I think nervously as I watch the fight.

"That's enough messing around Lancer end this fight, you have my permission to use your Noble Phantasm" a echoing voice sounds off around us.

'lancers master!?' quickly I look around but I don't see him anywhere.

"As you command master" Diarmuid says as he drops his yellow spear and rushed saber and stabbing at saber forcing her to block it but to her shock when his spear hit her blade the invisible wind concealing it slightly dissipated!

"I see it now, I know the length of your sword this fight is as good as done" Diarmuid says seriously.

"Saber don't be stupid end this quickly! You've dragged this on long enough!" I yell seeing the fight beginning to go sour.

"I will not fight dirty and sully my honer as a knight, no.......I will fight you at your strongest!" Saber yells confidently.

'you fool' I think shaking my head.

"Thank you saber your words bring me joy that you would fight with such honor" Diarmuid says.

"Stop messing around you fool and kill her or must I use a command seal?!" The voice of lancers master yells annoyed.

"I see now, there's no mistaking that golden blade it does me honor to fight against the legendary king of knights, and now that we each other's names we can duel honorably" Diarmuid says spinning both his spears before taking a stance.

*Rumble! Rumble!*

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" Suddenly the fight was interpreted by bolts of blue lightning crashing around and the yell of a man! Looking up a chariot flew down from above and landed on the ground Infront of everyone. The man was large standing a good 6'5 feet tall, he had red hair and a red beard to match, a long red fur cape and armor cladding his chest legs and arms, once he landed he opened his arms and bellowed out.

"Warriors sheath your blades for I am a king!, I am Iskandar King of Conquer's! In this battle for the holy grail I am designated the rider class of servant haha!" He yells surprising everyone on how openly he revealed his true name and next to him with a face full of shock was likely his master. He was a skinny kid with black hair that reached pass his ears and he wore a simple black suit.

"W-w-what the hell are you thinking announcing yourself like that you idiot!" The kid yells but to my shock Iskandar just flicked the boy in the forehead.

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