Chapter#6 Death And Regret

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Avalon.......I....I never thought I would ever see it with my own's the genuine article too not some cheap it was the real deal it somehow survived all these years without a scratch on was beautiful. The sheath was a beautiful royal blue with golden ascents on it. Currently I was standing in the meeting room with saber and a recoverd Irisviel. The two of them were conversing about Irisviel's fight with Kotomine......but me....I couldn't take my eyes off the beautiful sheath.....just looking at it gave me hope.....hope that I would see my family see her again......


I didn't notice it at first but I begin to cry.....not out of sadness but of hope......of reassurance.....the feeling that everything would be ok.

"David...." Saber asks gently placing her hand on my shoulder.

"This sheath.....I-I...." I couldn't speak as I looked at it I ended up tracing it's history and memories......Artoria's memories.

I saw them all.......The fall of Camelot.....Mordred's rebellion, Artoria's death......

And a VERY special spear........

When I saw it my mind seemed to go was as if I was starring into a white void.....and in the void was a golden light, That spear had a name.





"David are you ok?" Sabers voice pulls me back to reality.


"Where's master?" I ask looking around for Irisviel.

"She left a few minutes ago all you've done is stare off into space, are you ok?" Saber asks.

" asked me before how my powers work......I think it's time I told you..." I say quietly.


Currently me and saber were sitting in the living room with Kiritsugu and Irisviel starring at me quietly.

"Ok I guess I should start on the basics, my powers allow me to read and copy ANY bladed weapons, and in some cases I'm able to copy armor and shields, when I trace something I'm able to read it's history and the memories of the welder, in short I can copy nearly any Noble Phantasm I want before I couldn't copy divine construct's like Avalon but after my six years working with Alya and the throne of heros I'm able to copy them, when I copy something the rank goes down by one, say I copied a weapon that is normally an A tier noble phantasm it would go down to a B tier, if I were to fight a servant with a copy of their weapon I would lose, the copy weapon would break" I explain.

"Do you have a noble phantasm of your own or do you only use other servant's attacks?" Kiritsugu asks flatly.

"Yes I do.....I have two of my own noble phantasms, I could show you one but the other is a little.....different, I will only use it if I have no other options, if I use it the power drain it causes will put me out of commission for a day or two......actually it was the reason I died in mortal body couldn't handle it, if you wish I could show you my first noble phantasm though since it not a huge explosion or anything" I say.

"Are you sure David?" Saber asks seriously.

"I'm sure it's only fair I show them to you so we can plan to use them in the future" I say.

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