Arthur and the Knights stopped behind Merlin there was absolutely no way they would be able to sneak any closer. The two groups from Camelot had not noticed the Rangers but the Rangers had noticed them.

Will heard the snap of a twig as the Kalkara got closer. He motioned to Halt. He pointed to the North-East. Halt nodded and silently swiveled in that direction. He motioned for Will to wait for a second before lighting the torch.

A second crunch was heard this time closer. Halt nodded and Will struck the torch with his flint and steel. The torch caught just as the Kalkara came into sight. Both Will and Halt stuck their arrows into the fire of the torch. The arrows caught and before anyone knew what was happening the two Rangers had shot the arrows. Halt's landed on the monster's upper right arm while Will's landed on the monster's lower left arm. For a second the fire on the arrows flickered then it went out.

The Kalkara looked around for the ones who had shot the arrows. At the same time, the Rangers were getting ready to shoot another arrow. This time they sent a volley at the monster. The same thing happened the arrows flickered but went out. They had run out of fire arrows.

The Camelotnians stared on in disbelief they had never seen that accurate of shooting or that fast. They couldn't even see who had shot the arrows. The shadows concealed the shooters so no one knew who had used the arrows.

Maddie watched as the arrows soared through the air and hit the monster but soon fizzled out and died. This time it was clear that the Kalkara would not be defeated using fire.

Merlin felt the magic that shielded the Kalkara and realized he had been watching the arrows that soared through the air too much to focus on the magic.

It was a powerful and dark magic.

It was Morgana's magic he realized. Morgana had sent the Kalkara. After who he did not know, but he was going to find out. The Kalkara stopped in the middle of the clearing. It let out another ear-piercing roar. Its prey was close.

Merlin's eyes glowed gold and the shield around the Kalkara fell.

"to hêap*," Merlin whispered. His eyes once again glowed gold and the Kalkara's fur was set on fire. The ape like monster was slowly dying. Merlin looked away. He feared if Arthur ever found out that that was how he would die.

From behind Merlin, Arthur and the knights watched. They watched as by some miracle the creature was set on fire then Merlin turned towards them. The glow was still fading from his eyes. Golden and bright one moment and the next his eyes were the usual cheerful blue.

"A-Arthur?" Merlin gasped when he caught sight of the blond king.

"Who else, idiot?" Arthur joked. Behind Merlin, the Kalkara fell dead.

"What are you doing here?"

"Watching you."


"You're always sneaking out and I'm assuming it isn't to go to the tavern."

Gwaine snickered, "Merlin at the tavern. He only enters to drag me out."

A shadowy figure flickered behind Gwaine. No one saw assuming it was an animal of some sort. In reality, it was Will going to reprimand find his apprentice who knowing her, probably followed the two older Rangers.

Will snuck up on Maddie's left carefully not making a noise. Will tapped her on the shoulder. She just looked at him in her peripheral vision. Will nodded. No need to alert the Camelotians to their presence.

As if sensing that the Kalkara was dead Morgana appeared in a swirl of wind just inside the clearing.

Before she could do anything three bows were loaded and pointed in her direction. Morgana laughed and used her magic to bring the three Rangers into the clearing bathed in moonlight.

"Those arrows won't kill me," Morgana snickered. "Who do we have under these cloaks, hm?" Morgana asked in curiosity. She walked to the youngest of their group.

"Madeline Altman. Who would've thought the Princess of Auralen a Ranger." She caught sight of Maddie's bronze Oakleaf, "Oh an apprentice. Well you would certainly fetch a handsome ransom." Maddie looked mad, all she wanted to do was pull her knives out and attack the High Priestess in front of her, but Will had taught her to pick her fights wisely and not go rushing in blindly to a fight that may as well end in her death.

Morgana walked over to Will who was still next to Maddie. She pulled down Will's cowl and asked, "Who are you?" It wasn't like Will's face was very well known in the other kingdoms it wasn't even well known outside of the kingdom even though the name was. Especially among Skandians and Auralens.

Morgana gave Will just enough ability to speak. Will carefully kept his face stoic and did not reply.

The people who had been at the feast recognized the face as the happy light-hearted jongleur, Will Barton. When Will didn't reply she moved onto Halt, when she pulled his hood down she repeated the question she had asked Will. Halt did not reply either.

Merlin decided that it was time to reveal himself even if Arthur was there. He had seen Merlin take down the Kalkara and so far had done nothing.

"Morgana," Merlin called.

"Merlin," Morgana spat.

"Leave them alone."

"It's a shame the Kalkara didn't kill you. You know you were its target. It's funny how you always seem to evade certain death. What's your secret? Who are you really Merlin?"

"I am who I am, I am who I was, and I am who I will always be," Merlin shrugged.

"Emrys," Morgana breathed.

"Got it in one."

"No, I will kill you. You can not stop me. I will be Queen."

"No, you will not be Queen. Arthur is the rightful King of Camelot. Arthur is the Once and Future King. I will do whatever it takes to protect him and Camelot." Merlin's eyes once again glowed gold and Morgana was thrown into a nearby tree with such force that she was knocked unconscious. Her spell was lifted off of the Rangers.

"Come on," Merlin motioned for the Rangers and knights to follow him, "she won't stay down forever."

When they made it back to the castle Arthur's presence was enough for the guards to let them in without question. As they entered the castle one of the servants caught sight of Maddie who still had her cowl down -she had forgot to put it back up- and breathed a sigh of relief, "My lady, we've been looking everywhere for you."

Maddie smiled gently at the servant, "I'm sorry for making you worry. I am okay."

Arthur led the group through the halls and into the throne room. "Explain," he demanded of the Rangers, "Who are you really?"

"I am who I say I am. You saw my credentials and the Royal seal," Maddie calmly stated.

"And who are they?"

"Will Treaty." Will pulled down his cowl.

"Halt O'Carrick." Halt also pulled down his cowl.

"You're shorter than I expected," Arthur exclaimed.

"Why does everyone always say that?" Will asked exasperated.

"Cause you are," plainly stated Merlin.

*Set fire (approximation bc I'm on my phone and the translation is on my computer)

This was just an idea I had. My thought process was: 'What if there was a third Kalkara. Then I thought of a Merlin crossover idea. Where: 'What if Morgana sent the third Kalkara after Merlin while Maddie was there. And 'What if Halt and Cassandra asked Will and Halt to follow them bc they had a bad feeling?' So yeah.

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