Getting to know the guys.

Start from the beginning

"Truth or Dare, Victor?"

"Dare Princess" he answers and I sees Meanie gesturing behind his back.

"You have to kiss Nathans foot" I say and giggle.

"Pookie, no. What did I say?" This makes me giggles a little big harder while squirming under his stares. Luke starts to giggle as well and soon everyone is laughing.

"Sang Baby, you needs to sit still. No squirming."

"Truth or Dare, princess?

I start to say Truth, but North pokes my side ending my answer with a Dare.

"Come over here and give me a hug."

"With pleasure" I say and crawl on my knees over to him, hearing a growl behind me.

Turning around I can see North stands up and walks upstairs to Kotas bedroom. The others must see my confused look, and just tell me he has to use the toilet. Between themselves they share an amused look.

"Truth or Dare, Kota?"


"How do you know all of the others?"

"Well, Nathan lives down the road so we have always known each other. We met Luke, Gabriel and Victor in elementary school. There Mr.Blackbourne and Doc. took us in, into this group. And you know that when we were 13 we met North and Silas."

"I just have to say, it is a little weird that the two of you Mr.Blackbourne and Dr.Sean hangs out with the rest of you. It's nice to see you outside of school don't get me wrong, but it's weird. First of all you don't look like teachers, and you are too young, and I don't know any other teachers that hangs out with their pupils."

"Well, sweetie. We are not like any others" Dr.Sean says and winks at me.

"Ms.Sorenson, I have to tell you that there is secrets we will keep from you, but I will try to be as honest as possible. We are not really teachers at Ashley Waters."

"You're not? But why are you there then?"

"We usually attend a private school, called The Academy. Doing different tasks, and this job is one of them. I hope you soon will trust us, so that we wont have problems with the things we don't tell you. But this is one of them, one of the things I can't tell you a lot about. All I can tell you is that we are there, all 9 of us, to find out why money is missing and why there are a lot of fights without teachers intervening."

"Oh. Ok." I say, not knowing what to say. So they are there just to get this job done? Where will they go when they figure things out? Will they just leave me there? What will happen to me, especially now after this thing with my mother?

"I know you have a lot of questions, and I will answer those I can. Do you want to do it now, or can we do it tomorrow? We can meet up at my office and I can tell you all about this and about your case."

"Tomorrow is fine," I say just as North comes back down looking ashamed. I wonder what that was about.

"Good. Well, I will be going. I will see all of you tomorrow. Remember to do your homework, and don't go to bed to late. Ms.Sorenson, just call me if it's something you need to ask me." He says and stands to go out the door.

"Ehhhh. I don't have a phone Mr.Blackbourne." I say and blush a little.

"I will fix that Princess." Victor says, and before I can say no he just shakes his head.

"I have money Princess. Don't worry, just say thank you."

"Thank you, my prince. Can I have a pink case?" I say with a grin plastered on my face.

"Of course. Anything you want! You will get it tomorrow at school."

"Good. I will see you all tomorrow." Mr.Blackbourne says and goes out the door and into his car.

"That is my cue, Pookie. I will see you tomorrow. Come straight to our office, Nathan and Kota will take you." Dr.Sean tells me and pulls me into his arms and kisses my head.

"Ok, Dr.Sean." I say and try to back away, afraid he can feel that my heartbeat almost took off.

He sends me a knowing look and I understand that he noticed. Blushing he just took my face in his hands and kissed my forehead.

"Please stay with one of the guys tonight Pookie, so I can relax and know you are being safe?"

"We will find a solution Doc." Kota says and comes forward. The rest of the guys yells their goodbye and walks into the living room again.

With Kotas arm around my shoulders we are waving goodbye to them, and I gets a strange feeling inside my body. What is this feeling?

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