Chapter 81

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In the Aether Foundation's sterile room, Lusamine lies on a medical bed, connected to a life support system. Lillie and Gladion sit anxiously by her side, their faces etched with worry.

"Why does it have to happen now of all times?" Lillie's voice trembles as tears well up in her eyes. Gladion embraces her gently, offering what little comfort he can.

Gladion's expression darkens as he contemplates their dire situation. "I can't believe this is happening, but what options do we have at this point?"

Approaching them, Ash, Tox, and Alice offer their support. Ash places a reassuring hand on Lillie's shoulder. "Lillie, right now, all we can do is be here for her. We promise we'll find a way to save her."

Alice examines Lusamine's condition, her brow furrowing. "The temperature in her body is dangerously low... It's likely the lingering effects of the Nihilego toxins."

Tox, always one to take action, suggests, "But waiting idly won't help. Why don't we try extracting the toxins from her bloodstream?"

Ash shakes his head with a heavy sigh. "It's been a decade since she inadvertently inhaled those toxins. Removing them now would be extremely challenging, considering they may have permeated her entire bloodstream."

A feeble voice escapes Lusamine's lips, catching Ash's attention. He leans closer to hear her faint words. "No..."

Ash relays her message to the others, and Gladion's face contorts with anguish. "Mother? What do you mean, 'no'? Dr. Tox and Dr. Gus are here, two of the best doctors. They'll make you better."

Lusamine's response leaves them all stunned. Tox, bewildered, asks, "What do you mean?"

Lusamine's voice quivers as she speaks, "I know my time in this world... is drawing to a close. Please... don't waste any more time on a dying person like me."

Ash rushes to her bedside, his voice filled with urgency. "Ms. Lusamine, what are you saying? You can't just leave your children like this. It's not fair."

"I know it's selfish," Lusamine murmurs weakly, "but I can't bear to stay in this meaningless world any longer."

Ash gently counters her despair, saying, "The world isn't meaningless, Lusamine."

Lillie and Gladion, unable to contain their grief, break down in tears. They can't fathom the thought of losing their mother.

"The toxins in my body... not even the best doctors can remove them. Please, don't waste any more time on me," Lusamine says, turning her gaze towards her two children. "Lillie, Gladion... help Ash and Alice in any way you can..."

Lillie and Gladion solemnly nod, understanding their mother's wishes. It doesn't take long before Lusamine's heart ceases to beat, and the room is filled with the sound of mournful cries.

"Mom... why?" Lillie's voice trembles as she cries out. Ash wraps his arms around her, offering solace to the grieving girl. Meanwhile, Gladion's anger and sorrow take hold as he punches the wall, blood trickling from his hand. He's furious at how it all ended. The others in the room shed tears, mourning the loss of a beloved figure.

News of Lusamine's passing soon spreads worldwide, and people express their sadness at her death, recognizing the Aether Foundation's many contributions. A wave of mourners flocks to the Aether Foundation to bid their farewell to Lusamine. Lillie and Gladion decide to lay their mother to rest within the Foundation's grounds, alongside their father.

After the burial, Ash broaches the topic. "So, what are you two planning to do?"

Lillie and Gladion exchange a glance, and then Alice speaks up, "Ash and I have been discussing this. We've decided to offer you both a place in the Ketchum family. How does that sound?"

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