Chapter 56

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As the plane soars high above Unova, Ash and Alice, driven by their quest to capture more Flying-type Pokémon for their team, find themselves caught in an unexpected and turbulent storm.

"What in the world... We weren't prepared for this," Alice mutters, her voice trembling with a hint of fear as the plane shudders and shakes.

"Damn it... Thankfully, it's just the two of us," Ash says, his determination cutting through his anxiety. "But what's causing this storm?"

"I have no idea, Ash, and honestly, I'm not sure I want to find out right now. My priority is ensuring this plane doesn't break apart," Alice responds, her focus unwavering.

With a sense of urgency, Ash makes a decision. "I'll open the emergency exit and investigate. Alice, you stay in control."

Donning a protective suit filled with oxygen, Ash moves swiftly to open the emergency exit. Using his innate Flying Aura, he propels himself into the turbulent skies, his aura wings carrying him against the fierce elements. The biting cold pierces through his suit, and he mutters to himself, "Cold... That can only mean one thing—this is likely a Bleakwind Storm..."

Alice's voice crackles over the speaker as she calls out, "Ash, can you hear me?"

Ash responds, his voice determined despite the cold and turbulence, "Loud and clear. This storm is freezing, Alice. I think we might be in Tornadus' territory."

"Tornadus? The Legendary Pokémon?" Alice's voice carries a mixture of awe and concern.

As Ash scans the turbulent skies, he spots a massive silhouette looming in front of them—it's Tornadus in its Therian Form. The Legendary Pokémon speaks with an authoritative tone, demanding, "Who dares enter my territory?"

Ash quickly raises his hand in a gesture of peace, saying, "Hold on, Tornadus. We apologize if we've unintentionally trespassed on your domain. We're just trying to get back home."

Tornadus, upon closer examination, recognizes Ash. His demeanor softens as he speaks, "Forgive me, chosen one. I didn't realize it was you. I've been waiting for your return."

Ash acknowledges the Legendary Pokémon's recognition but shifts his focus to a more pressing concern. "I appreciate that, Tornadus, but could you please halt this storm? My wife is on that plane, and she's struggling to control it."

Tornadus nods solemnly before halting the storm, allowing Alice to regain control of the plane. As Ash and Tornadus inspect the aircraft for damage, Ash swiftly tends to any cracks or issues, ensuring their safety.

Tornadus, in a display of goodwill, offers them a Poké Ball as an apology for the turbulence. Grateful for the gesture, Ash quickly returns to the plane and reclines on the bed. Alice, switching the plane back to autopilot, joins him, their exhaustion evident.

"I'm amazed I haven't felt the urge to throw up yet," Alice remarks with a wry smile.

Ash chuckles softly, fatigue tingeing his voice. "I'm just tired... flying outside with that protection suit isn't exactly a joyride, especially with the limited oxygen in the stratosphere."

Alice teases him, "I'm surprised you didn't summon Rayquaza to lend a hand."

Ash grins, "Well, I didn't want to trouble him, and Tornadus recognized us. If anyone else had trespassed, it might have ended differently."

The two of them lie on the bed, seeking a moment of respite. However, their brief rest is interrupted by an alarm, signaling their impending arrival at their destination.

Tornadus: Ability: Defiant (Incarnate)/Regenerator (Therian). Moves: Thrash, Hammer Arm, Bleakwind Storm, Hurricane, Tailwind, Dark Pulse

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