53. Punished 🛏️

Start from the beginning

He clicked his tongue, and shook his head.
"I have to humiliate you now." He said.

I leaned my against the cupboard, and braced myself. He walked in front of me, folding his belt.

"Buckle side, or loop?" He asked.
Oh my god he was gonna spank me.

I looked up, and blinked.
"Um- neither, please."

He slammed the buckle against the cupboard, and I jumped.

"Bucke, or loop." He said sternly.
"L-loop." I stuttered.

Jackson had the biggest smirk on his face.
I can't believe he was gonna witness this.

Draco walked behind me, and lightly tapped the belt on my backside.

My stomach looped, and my hands were sweating.

I felt a stinging sensation, and bit back my yelp.
"Not so bad right?" Asked Draco.

He smacked me again, and I gripped the end of the cupboard.

"I except an answer when I speak."
"Sorry." I said.

I let out a small yelp, and my legs shook.
"Not red enough." He said.

He nudged his knee between my legs, widening my stance. He smacked me again, and it stung.

"Ow!" I yelped.
I went to move, but Jackson kept me down.

"You gave me 15 minutes to make you cum, so your gonna get spanked 15 times, count.
If you hesitate or stutter, I'm restarting."
Said Draco.

"But Dra-"
"Fuck!" I yelped as he hit me.
"Understand?" He asked sternly.

Jackson laughed, and my face turned red.
This was so embarrassing.


"Good girl." He said rubbing my ass.
He hit me again, and I screamed.

"That one hurt." I said.
"You didn't count, let's restart."

"Draco please." I begged.
"It's not my fault you're disobedient." He said.

It was too early to tell if I was into this or not.
It was painful, but kinky.

He rubbed the belt on my ass, and I felt myself sweat. The anticipation was killing me.

"D-Draco just do it, don't make me wait."
And with that he hit me, really hard.

I bit back my scream, and felt my eyes water.
"That one added some colour to you." He said rubbing my ass.

"You hesitated." He said.

He hit me again, and my body jumped.

"Fuck! Three, four."
Each smack got slightly more painful.

My body jumped, and I felt my legs wobble.
I dug my mouth into my arm, and whimpered.

"Six, seven." I stopped.
It was incredibly hard to speak since it stung.

"I think that was a hesitation." He said.
A tear dripped down, and I sniffled.

"D-Draco please. I tried really hard but it hurts."

"What do you think Jacob?"
"Give her one free pass." Said Jackson.
"Fine." Said Draco.

Thank god.


"FUCK!" I screamed into my arm.
My body jumped, and I dropped to my knees.

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