[QnA | Extras]

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Hello. This is the writer and creator of The Heartstone Journey, DryZStarZ. Most people call me Dry for short. I will be putting my thoughts and more at the end of this so please enjoy.

Note: For those seeing this.. This will be questions all about the characters asked by others through my discord, personal dm's and other personal accounts. If you wish to join in and ask away you may join my discord server by adding me, "dryzstarz".

This will be rather long so please if you do not like these sort of extras either skip to the ones you wish to look at. Do note the end of this will have information about what comes next for the story. If none of this interests you then you may exit, thank you.    :)

Why not listen to some music while you read?


How old really is Hunter?:

This question is commonly asked most when speaking about this mysterious man in question. I never really did confirm his age in the story overall only referring to him as "middle aged" throughout all the parts I've made. He is currently where book one stands to be 44 years old.

What's Hunter's favorite routine/exercise?:

He's passionate about all of them but the ones that really get him going is working on biceps, triceps and deltoids. Doing curls, push ups, stretching, you name it he enjoys it. Though what he doesn't tell anyone is that he loves the ones listed because his wife mentions that she prefers strong and well-built arms over soft and flimsy.

His favorite animal?

He actually has two! At one point in his life he tamed a hawk after rescuing it from a predator, he nursed it back to health and it stuck with him for a good year. He felt a sense of comradery and could see its eagerness to pay back what it owes.  In the end, Hunter let the hawk free into the world and is satisfied with his decision. His second is rabbits just because they remind him of his wife and how adorable they are.

 His second is rabbits just because they remind him of his wife and how adorable they are

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How much does his sword weigh?

This is the third most asked question. To be exact it weights close to a ton but can change with aura and the density Hunter pours into his blade. There is more but that's for a later date.

Who confessed first between Lucy and Hunter?

I'm actually amazed how this is the second most asked.. but I'll answer nonetheless.

Lucy pushed for it to happen, Hunter sealed the deal.


Why do you sleep so much compared to the rest?

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