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~•Skyler James•~

The sound of the automatic bell ringing in our classroom informed Mrs Smith that her time with us has expired. She squeezed all her books and other items she brought along to class into her large handbag.

Mrs Smith gave the class her last warning glare through the thin framed glasses she had on, before issuing the final slurred instruction to Daisy. She then slipped out of the class, closing the door behind herself. Loud tiered groans choked the quietness in the class, accompanied by the continuous flipping and closing of books.

The door opened again, drawing my attention to it. Yemima moved into the class nervously, making her way to her group of friends. Her small act of shyness put a smile on my face. I wonder what she did this time that made Mrs Smith send her out of the class. I think teachers love to pick on her cause she lacks allot of self-esteem, same reason why she was Fenix's target last session.

Why would anyone wanna be mean to her? Like, she looks so cute and innocent and very attractive. I, honestly can not like Yemima, I just feel she's cute, that's all. Nothing attached.

I felt a little shove on my shoulder, forcing me to turn over to my seat partner. A smirk is plastered  on Evan's face, while he wiggled his brows. He probably caught me staring at Yemima. Which should be normal, I don't know why he's making a fuss about it.

"What is it?" I asked the dude who tagged himself as my best friend.

"What's your deal with Yemima?" He asked, instead if responding to my question.

"Not everyone is a ladies man like you"

"They can't get enough of the good looks you know" Evan caressed his empty chin, forcing me to laugh again.

"I admire Yemima Adams, allot. That's all"

"Or you are attracted to her" he smiled, cockily at me, supporting his head with his hand.

"It's a respectful admiration. Stop thinking shit" I warned my self acclaimed best friend while rolling my eyes. I literally rolled my eyes at him, but I couldn't do that to Yemima. What's wrong with me?

"Whatever you choose to call it. Let's get something to eat" Evan got up first, leaving me with no other choice, but to follow him. We moved forward to the door, only for the exit to be blocked by Daisy.

"Uh.. Daisy?" Evan called for her attention. She turned around to face us. Glancing at both of us.

"Hey Sky, Mr Akpan sent me to you..." Daisy trailed off, all of her attention on me. I gave her a questioning stare, wondering why her eyes were on me in that manner.

"Oh yeah! He wants to see you in his office, like right now" Daisy conveyed Mr Akpan's message to me.

"Thanks" I patted her shoulder, gently. In the blink of an eye, she turned into a gooey mess right in front of me and Evan, just at my touch. I ignored that, stepping out of her way and Evan does the same.

"What's up with her?" I shrugged at Evan's question, looking confused. Very confused.

"Catch you later bro. I have to go" I turned around, facing the opposite direction that lead to the staffroom. I advanced in direction, side stepping everyone on my way to the office.


The door leading to the staff room was opened, making it easy to walk in, without requesting permission. The place, as I can see is fully occupied, all the teachers were seated, doing a thing or two. I moved closer to Mr Akpan's table, I met him head bowed on his desk. A boy stood beside the table, head bowed too, but I could still note a few familiar traits. On Mr Akpan's table is a broken Apple laptop that looks like mine, but before I do the math myself, I'll listen to what Mr Akpan has to say.

Skyline Academy: book one {editing}Where stories live. Discover now