49. Missing/Muffliato 10 👀💨

Start from the beginning

"I'll message him again, and tell him that you need Lorenzo or Theodore then."

"Good idea." I said.
"Actually I can message the other two directly, do you know their phone numbers?"
Asked Jackson.

"Not off the top of my head, but if you pass me my phone I can message them myself." I said.

Jackson got my phone, and handed it to me.
"Fuck batteries dead." I said.
"I'll put it on charge." Said Jackson.

He put my phone on charge, and came back.
"I messaged Draco, and said you needed Theodore or Lorenzo." Said Jackson.

"Thanks." I said.
He left the washroom, and knocked five minutes later.

"Come in." I said.
"He left it on read again." Said Jackson showing me his phone.

"Bastard!" I yelled.

"I'll bring your phone once it turns on."
Said Jackson.

He left the washroom, and shut the door.
Once again another knock five minutes later.

Jackson handed me my phone, and I messaged Theo and Enzo.

"Shit they have a test today, potions is first block." I said.

This was not looking good.
"Fuck it I'll just use a pad." I said.

I reached under the sink, but couldn't find a box.

"I'll grab them." Said Jackson bending down.
He pulled out a box of liners.

"Those aren't pads." I said.
"There isn't anything else." Said Jackson.

I felt a pit grow in my stomach.
I've been sitting here for almost 20 minutes.
My cramps are getting worse, and I'm getting increasingly frustrated by the second.

"Jackson." I said.
"Yeah?" He said back.

We both knew what was gonna happen.

"Could you do it for me?" I asked.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"There's no choice." I said.

"Um, sure." He said and bent down.
He grabbed the tampon, and placed his hand on my upper thigh.

He immediately handed it back, and stood up.
"Why don't you message Draco, from your phone." Said Jackson.

"Absolutely not. My prides fucking huge."
I gave it back to him, and he knelt again.

I felt one of his hands, hold my entrance in place.

"You're loving this aren't you?" I said.
"Why would you say that?" He said.

"We spent five months dating, and we never fucked. Now look at you. You're probably taking this moment in." I said.

"That's not true at all. And I tried my hardest not to do this." He said.

"Whatever, just do it, so I can lay in bed." I said.

"I don't want you thinking I'm getting any enjoyment out of this, because I can assure you I'm not."

He bent back down, and his hand went back up.
"I'm gonna do it now." He said.

He pushed it in.
"Is it far enough?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said.

He wrapped the applicator in a tissue, and threw it in the garbage. I noticed the blood on his hands, and realized how disgusting that was for him.

"That was gross." I said.
"No kidding." He said.

I washed my hands, and he waited for me.
"Why would you do that?" I said.

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