45. Inner turmoil

Start from the beginning

I am me, not her Freen!

This silly girl is in love with her Freen, not me...

I will not play with her heart, pretending that I am her Freen.

"I will save everything" I whisper to myself.

I have been keeping an eye on Becky without her knowledge.

I asked Nam to take care of her like her own family member, she also agreed because she feels sympathy for Becky thinking that the girl has lost her mind after hitting her head.

In the video message, the future Freen told me about the pocket watch that she used to send Becky in past.

Unfortunately, the watch is now broken. It's just a useless piece of antique now.

On the day I found Becky, I put that watch in my pocket. I asked Nam to wash the clothes drenched in blood. The watch was still in my pant pocket and while washing my clothes, Nam broke it by mistake.

Nam apologized to me for breaking the antique pocket watch, I forgave her because it was my mistake that I did not checked my pockets before handing my clothes to her.

I have given the broken watch to an antique repair man.

He told me it's difficult to restore it, the future Freen also told me that the watch won't work even after restoring it and she was right, the watch is just a normal antique watch now.

She mentioned that I will again get the working pocket watch on 31st December 2000, in the new year's party.

She warned me not to time travel, because time travel always makes things more complicated and we have tried almost everything in previous timelines.

Becky is sad because of my ignorance towards her.

She tries to talk to me but I always ignore her, making her cry. Whenever I sense that Becky feels sad or she is crying, I send Nam to take care of her.

Becky has no one to look after her when me and Nam are away.

I asked my brother Preed to be friends with Becky and not let her feel alone.

I can see that Preed likes her more than friends, I feel jealous when they are together.

My brother is a good person, even if I am jealous of them, somewhere in my heart I know that Preed is better for her than me.

Their relationship is acceptable in the society and if Becky falls in love with him she will be happy and won't be sad even if I die.

I have decided that I will save Preed so that they can stay together forever.

I can rely on Preed to take care of our parents, Becky and family business.

Preed is the one that everyone needs, I will die no matter what I try because I have tried and failed in saving everything during several timelines.


We are in our way to Bangkok, my father will be receiving an award for our company's exceptional business performance in Thailand.

We will be staying in Bangkok for a week.

I am in car with Preed and John is driving us.

I think now I am more close to John, I think I can save him from going in wrong direction by killing me in 2001.

Preed and John also have good bonding.

"So.... What are you reading nerd...." I said while teasing Preed.

"Stop behaving like an evil twin...." He lightly hits my arm with his book.

"Ouchhh.... You are the evil one hitting your own twin sister!!" We both laughed at our banter, John also laughed with us.

"Eyes on the road, I want us to stay alive John!!" I said and we all laughed again, but I am serious, I want us to stay alive!!

"Do you like her?" Preed pulls me and wraps his arms on my shoulder.

"Her?... Who?..." I asked.

"BECCA! I think I like her more than a friend and I am thinking to propose her to be my girlfriend. Do you think she is the right one?" Preed explains.

My heart hurts, I feel that I cannot breathe while thinking about Preed and Becky together in a relationship.

Why do I regret making them friends, I already knew this will happen, future Freen told me about this possibility.

"Freen.... I need your opinion sister!" Preed said while shaking me.

"Yeah.... I .... I like her...." I muttered.

"What? Stop whispering!" Preed pokes my forehead with his other hand.

I hit his stomach lightly with my elbow "I said I like her for you! She is a good person".

He smiled after getting my approval.

I feel heartbroken after saying this, but I pretend to be happy for them.

I slept on Preed's shoulder for the rest of the journey to divert my mind from thinking sad about seeing them together.


"Wake up Freen, we are here!" Preed screams loudly in my ear.

"Ohhhh.... WHY!!" My ear hurts.

Preed and John are laughing together.

"We will be home in 5 minutes" Preed winks at me.

"Stop bullying me you two!" I said frowning at them.


We reached our Bangkok home, Becky and Nam are already at the house entrance waiting for us.

Nam opens my gate when the car stops and Becky runs to Preed's side of the door.

She seems so happy to see Preed, I feel heartbroken broken that I am not the one who brings happiness to her.

Nam sees my reaction, she knows that I like Becky, but she has never ever said anything to me about this topic.

"You look tired Freen, your room is prepared, I will take you there!" Nam says while touching my forehead checking my temperature.

I went with Nam and Becky went with Preed.

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