68.- Happy...

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Ep. 6 "Zombie Baby Daddy" Ch. 5/6

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Cassandra clawed at Joy's face, leaving behind four bright red marks along her cheek as she stumbled. She was significantly stronger than Joy had anticipated initially, but there was no backing out now.

Joy just hoped Doc, Addy, and 10K didn't take long in finding Vasquez and Warren because Joy definitely wouldn't last long.

Cassandra got in two punches before trying to brush past Joy, but she caught her by the back of the jacket and pulled her to punch her square in the jaw. Joy was almost positive the hit had hurt her more than it hurt Cassandra, who simply shook it off while Joy clutched her sore hand with a hiss in pain.

"Cassie, don't." As Joy had expected, Cassandra didn't listen, she punched Joy in the gut before scratching at her face once more, though it felt like a well-placed slap at that point with how much her cheeks stung.

As Joy stumbled trying to regain her breath after the gut punch, Cassandra kicked her square in the chest with her heeled boot, making Joy crash against one of the massive rocks littered around the area, her back crunching upon impact while a pained wail left her lips.

Something for sure had to be broken at that point, maybe a crack in her skull from how hard the impact had been, or a broken rib from Cassandra's incredibly strong kick. Potentially even a broken spine. Joy just knew she was in immense pain and Cassandra was already trying to run away.

And no matter how much pain Joy was in, she couldn't let Cassandra catch up with anyone.

Joy felt around her surroundings until she found some stray pebbles littered across her rocky surroundings, just like the pebbles she had tried to skip along the stream her and 10K had been at.

How was it that only a few hours had passed since their last moment together, yet it felt like a whole other decade to Joy?

She ignored the sudden pain that exploded along her back and shoulders and wound up her arm, aiming directly at Cassandra, before she let the pebble fly.

Perhaps the pain made Joy a better marks woman, or the constant adrenaline of having to fight your best friend to what seemed to be the death, or maybe Joy was just lucky. Whatever the case may be, her pebble landed right against Cassandra's head, making her stop in her tracks to turn back and growl at Joy.

"I wasn't done yet." Joy heard Cassandra scoff, or what sounded like a scoff, before she tried running off again. Apparently, she wasn't a good enough of a threat to keep fighting her.

So Joy would have to make herself a threat once more.

With a sudden battle cry that even seemed to catch Cassandra surprised, Joy ran towards her and jumped on her back, pressing her thumbs against Cassandra's eyes while the woman—or half-zombie—in question tried shaking her off.

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