21. Got A Much Needed Moonshine Bath

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Ep. 7 "Welcome To The Fu-Bar" Ch. 3/4

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Joy participated in a swimming competition once. She had accidentally fallen in the pool, also known as she had pushed 10K, and he had pulled her in with him, and as payback she chased after him across the entire perimeter of the pool without even breaking a sweat.

The swimming team coach ended up catching them, and they came to an agreement that if Joy joined the swimming team for the season and helped them win the trophy, he wouldn't write them up.

Talk about real movie magic.

So, that's what Joy did, she forced 10K to stay behind with her three times a week after school to watch her practice and practice and oh yeah practice.

But right when the competition happened, they ended up in second place.

Of course, Joy was proud that she had helped get them second place, but she was so close to first. She lost by a millisecond.

A millisecond!

Ever since then Joy discovered she had a competitive side, not toxic per se but you best expect a couple of swears if you beat her in something she considers herself good at.

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The four entered the bar that if it weren't full of drunken people, Joy would think it was abandoned.

Although Joy did have to admit, they had a pretty Wild West movie entrance with the old wooden door placed there.

Murphy saw them enter and came up to the four with his classic Murphy face. "Hey, you gotta do something 'bout her," Murphy pointed at Warren at the bar, who was downing what Joy thought was Moonshine like there was no tomorrow. "I'm not waiting for anybody."

"I know, Murphy, keep your shorts on. Now, you see a guy in here named Wanamaker?"

Murphy raised his brows, "What are we makin' friends now?" Joy shrugged.

"Yeah, actually. We're trying to find someone to replace you."

"Anybody know anybody in here named Wanamaker?" Doc suddenly yelled, cutting Joy and Murphy's argument short.

Shame, they were both all readied to sass the other to death.

"And who's got some Moonshine?" 10K jabbed her in the ribs for that one while the bartender shook his head.

Well, at least she tried.

"Who wants to know?" The bartender spoke up, obviously about the Wanamaker thing, not the Moonshine to an underage adult thing.

"Oh, we're just lookin' to trade, y'know, just a little business. Yeah, my friend said he might have a vehicle." The bartender nodded.

"Yeah, Wanamaker's got cars."

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