37. So Much For The Wonder Twins

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Ep. 11 "Sisters Of Mercy" Ch. 5/5

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Joy had lived a typically traumatic life. No attention whatsoever, bullying which didn't go unpunished by her, the apocalypse and whatever happened in it, and so on.

But how did she deal with it all?

Joy had indeed learned something about therapy, and that was that internalizing all your worries and feelings wasn't always a good thing, although you did need a filter for certain occasions, so it wasn't just trauma dumping on the person.

Joy talked about it all with 10K and vice versa, that's how she had mostly kept her sanity throughout the apocalypse.

So if you asked Joy for some tips on how to survive the apocalypse, find someone that you can talk to about anything and everything.

And as fucked up as it was, Addy had just found that person, and it wasn't Mack, or anyone from the group for that matter. It was Helen.

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Joy had somehow gotten roped in being the bait by just having to look attractive while pretending their truck was busted up with some other woman and Addy.

Normally, she wouldn't mind being the bait, after all, Joy loved coming up with different lies to throw people off. But for two specific reasons, she absolutely hated being the bait that one time.

One; it benefited Helen.

Two; she had to take her sweater off and leave her in a tank top.

Which Joy just found ridiculous, after all if a guy was interested in taking advantage of her and her body either way they'd do it no matter if she wore a sweater, a tank top, or a hazmat suit.

But nevertheless, there she was practically laying on top of the headlights of the truck while playing with her hair, careful to make sure it didn't touch the truck.

After all, she'd be dammed if she let a stupid truck dirty her freshly washed hair.

"Here they come." The other woman muttered as some bikes were heard in the distance.

Why was it always the bikers? Couldn't there be some good bikers?

Three men on motorcycles pulled up to them with two women tied up and gagged to one of the bike's seats.

The one who looked like the leader stepped up to all three of them with sinister smiles. Joy fought the urge to cringe, the guy was practically old enough to be her father, what was up with him?

"You got a problem there, darlin'?"

Joy's fellow bait smiled seductively and tapped the smoking car. "What do you think?"

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