28. The Apocalypse Got A Lot More Neon

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Ep. 10 "Going Nuclear" Ch. 2/6

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Joy had once been responsible for a map and compass when she had gone out with 10K and his dad for a little adventure in the forest.

Her task was simple, trace their footsteps so once they needed to go back it'd be much quicker than before, and they'd get back before dark.

Knowing his friend back then, 10K had argued that it was a terrible idea for Joy to lead, which earned him a slap-up the head. But his dad insisted that Joy had it.

Well, spoiler, Joy did not have it.

She got lost half an hour in and by the time they had to go back they ended up turning in circles for over two hours. If it wasn't for 10K's dad knowing the forest surrounding his cabin like the back of his hand, they would've still been turning in circles thanks to Joy's terrible sense of direction.

Another reason why she still didn't have her license, the apocalypse happening being the main one, of course.

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The group sneaked in with their weapons at the ready, two of them itching to find some Zs to blow off some steam.

But it was as empty as first period in high school.

"Oh just like home." That explained why Murphy was such an attention seeker, if his home had been as empty as that compound.

"Y'know what, this actually might be a safe place for us to rest up and load up on some supplies."

Now Warren was speaking Joy's language. Resting up in the apocalypse was like hitting the lottery back pre-Z.

It rarely happened to you, but when it did, you were the happiest person alive.

"I could use an hour's sleep." Cassandra added dragging her feet, honestly they could all use even ten minutes of rest.

"An hour? I need at least three days." Cassandra chuckled at Joy, that did sound much nicer than a simple hour.

The group went all the way up to the side of the building, where there was a door locked shut with a chain.

Were they really expecting one measly chain to stop them from entering?

"Hey, Doc, get the door." Doc took out his bolt cutters from his pack and sneaked forward with a sigh.

"Why do they still lock doors?" Excellent question Doc.

"I wish they didn't."

"Luckily I have the skeleton key." Doc snapped the chain and tossed it away, all of them sneaking in a single file.

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