9. Therapy? Oh, You Mean Zombie Shooting

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Ep. 4 "Full Mental Zombie" Ch. 1/3

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Fun fact about Joy: she didn't like clothes shopping.

It wasn't like she didn't know what she wanted to buy, or she didn't have money, or even that she didn't have space in her closet (which back pre-Z was bigger than 10K's entire bedroom).

It was more the fact that a shopping experience usually went along with some sort of bonding between friends or family. But with Joy's parents both not caring about her existence enough to accompany her anywhere, and her best friend being a guy who hated crowded spaces and thought fashion was combining a black t-shirt with black pants, Joy ended up disliking shopping and opted for letting Gina do all the shopping.

After all, that woman had a better sense of fashion than Joy ever would.

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But in the apocalypse she had to suck it up, especially if she wanted to get rid of her cannibal cult outfit which, spoiler; she wasn't a fan of.

Luckily, between all the women of the group, they managed to scrounge up an outfit for her.

Cassandra's spare jeans were a little big length wise but by just cutting them a few inches, Joy had a new pair of pants that decently covered her!

Thanks to Warren, Joy got herself a tank top, not the most practical thing for someone who was always cold, but Joy made do with Addy's spare hoodie and constantly sticking to 10K's side and stealing his body warmth like a leech.

And Joy was even lucky enough to find out some non-broken running shoes along the side of the road that were only one size too big.

With the whole hair and makeup fiasco, Joy simply stained more of 10K's scarf to clean her face, and he helped her cut the rope they had used to keep her hair in place.

So by the time the group had made a bathroom stop in the middle of a highway in Pennsylvania, Joy was back to her usual self, with the exception of a shiver here and there.

While Warren was out watering the fields with her internal bodily fluids, Joy spotted two Zs walking in their direction. Both dressed like they had just come out of some old movie.

"Jefferson! Found you some entertainment." 10K turned to where Joy was pointing and took out his slingshot.

He began to extend his hand, but Joy was already a step ahead of him and was shoving a pair of gears in his face.

Thanks to Joy not actually losing the gears last time she carried them, it was after all Tobias who had kept her trusty sweatpants, 10K had deemed her worthy of carrying half of the gears, so his pockets didn't weigh as much and the gear ammo was distributed between two people in case someone lost them, they had spares.

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