19. A Pawless Dog Would Drive Better Than Him

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Ep. 7 "Welcome To The Fu-Bar" Ch. 1/4

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Joy never got the chance to learn how to drive, she didn't even get to touch a wheel, unless you counted the little joyride she had taken as a kid, but proper instructions never came to her.

She knew the pretty basics of a car like it had a wheel, you turn it left the car turns left, you turn it right the car turns right. It had a gas pedal that if you pressed it the car went fast, and a break that if you pressed it the car stopped. The gas was on the left and the break on the right...or was it the other way around? There was also the little stick that changed speeds and a clutch somewhere, unless the car was automatic.

Yeah, Joy was an expert (not).

But at least she wasn't alone, 10K had never learned how to drive either. His father tried teaching him a handful of times as far as she knew, but he was always too aggressive or slow with his reaction times, so the lessons didn't really get to profess before the apocalypse started.

Give him a rifle or any sort of gun, and he'd be able to shoot perfectly, ask him to park a car, and he'd end up destroying it.

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Somewhere along the way Addy and Mack found a motorcycle, queue the PTSD from cannibal and friends (patent pending) riding the same bikes, and as much as Joy begged them to let her ride, they ended up saying no and going off themselves because couple things and what not.

At least them in the motorcycle gave them enough room inside for Doc and Cassandra to ride inside, so 10K and Joy took over the entire bed. Which pretty much meant 10K didn't move from his little corner, and Joy took over eighty percent of the space by spreading out her blanket and using both of their packs as pillows.

As good as a bed as she'd get during the trip.

Warren had also not spoken a word since poor Garnett had to be given mercy, Joy had offered her the blanket she was so attached to a handful of times, so Warren could stay curled up in her seat more comfortably, but Warren didn't even move to face her then.

Joy still had faith she'd snap out of it, wow look at her having faith in something apart from 10K, Garnett had certainly rubbed off on her.

Which speaking of Garnett, that was why she knew Warren would snap out of it, after all they couldn't complete the mission without her, and not completing the mission would mean Garnett would've died for nothing. And Warren certainly wouldn't allow that.

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Joy had lost track of where they were to be honest, she had spent the entire time trying to figure out how to look badass with her new 10K special birthday present. She had nicked her fingers a couple more times, to the point where half her hand was now covered in band aids, but cuts were becoming less often so that was a plus.

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