Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Cory's POV

It's 6am, when I wake up. I groan and reach over for Spencer but his side of the bed is cold. I open one eye and see he's not there. That's when I remember he's working. I sit up and rub my eyes. I grab my pillows and get out of bed. I walk over to the guest room, where Carson is.

I walk into the room and up to the bed. Carson's fast asleep, his head tucked against his pillow. I gently tap his shoulder and he groans. He blinks up at me and I smile.

"Cory? What's wrong?" He asks, sitting up quickly.

"Nothing, I wanted to know if I can sleep here with you?" I ask and he nods, he pulls the blanket away so I can get in.

"Thanks sweets." I yawn as I climb in next to him. I lay down and snuggle close to Carson since it's so bloody cold. He sighs and wraps his arm around me. I jump and the unexpected gesture and he begins to pull away.

"Sorry." He whispers but I grab his arm and wrap it around me.

"Nothin' to be sorry about. I just wasn't expecting it." I mumble. I lay my head on his chest and he pulls me closer.

"I like this." I say and he hums. I throw my arm across his stomach and my leg over his hip.

"This okay?" I ask and he chuckles.

"Yeah, jellybean." I feel him kiss my head as I close my eyes and fall asleep.


It's about 9 when I wake up again. The beds cold and I stretch as I stand up. I leave the bedroom and head downstairs. I see Spencer on his laptop, sitting in the lounge. He looks up as I come down the stairs.

"Hey love." He smiles as I walk towards him.

"Morning." I greet and sit down next to him. I lay my head on his shoulder and he kisses my head.

"You want breakfast? Carson made some before he left." He says and I frown.

"Why'd he leave?" I ask him.

"Lizzy called him, said she wanted to hang out so he left." He explains and I nod.

"You should go visit your brother, I'm going to be busy the whole day and you were planning on going down there sometime soon." Spencer suggests and I nod.

"Yeah I'll do that. I'll call and see if he's available." I say. He nods and kisses my head again before I get up and head to the kitchen. 

I see three containers, stacked, on the kitchen counter when I walk in. I pick up the top one and open it. It's filled with crispy bacon. Yummy. I take out a strip of bacon and place the container down and check the other two. One has scrambled eggs and hash browns and the other has potatoes pancakes. I squeal and take the potato pancakes and bacon.

After I eat, I call my brother to see if I could visit and he says yes. So I bath and change before saying good bye to Spencer. We were supposed to spend today together, the three of us, even though Spence is working but I guess we can do a few other things while his busy.

I take a taxi to my brothers place since I don't like driving. The trip there isn't long, maybe about 15 minutes, without traffic that is. Once the taxi stops, I pay the driver and get out.

My brothers house is beautiful. It's an old Victorian style building with a huge front yard. I walk up to the front door and before I can knock the door swings open.

"Hi uncle Cory." My 5 year old niece greets. I smile down at her. She lifts her arms and I pick her up. I kiss one of her chubby pink cheeks as I walk into the house and I kick the door closed behind me.

"How is my favourite niece?" I ask as I carry her into the kitchen where my brother is. She giggles and starts telling me about all the things she did this morning.

"She's your only niece." My brother says as he walks up to me. He gives me a quick hug before rushing back to the stove. I put Jade down when she begins to wriggle in my arms. She runs off and I watch as she goes into her play house.

"So, how are you?" I ask my brother as I lean against the counter.

"I'm fine." He says, avoiding eye contact with me. I frown at that. He doesn't look fine. He looks utterly exhausted.

"Daniel, what's going on?" I ask and he sighs. He switches the stove off and removes the pan from the stove, placing it on the wooden cutting board.

"Nothings wrong Cory." I lift a skeptical eyebrow at him. He's lying.

"Daniel, tell me what's going on. I hate to say it but you look like shit." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Thank you for that my dearest brother." Sarcasm heavy in his tone. I don't let up and continue to stare him down. He finally gives in and looks at me. His brown hair is greasy and messy. The dark circles under his eyes resemble those of a raccoon.

"It's just been so hard Cory." He says and my heart breaks at the complete hopelessness in his voice. I pull him into a hug and he starts sobbing.

"I didn't know how much I missed her until this morning. Her perfume bottle fell when I opened the bathroom cupboard and I just..." He trails off as sobs rake through him.

Daniels wife, Kiara, passed away 4 months ago. She had stage 4 breast cancer. It was to late when they found it and chemo wasn't an option. I tried to get him to come stay with me after she passed but he refused. So I came over every day the first month after the funeral. I made sure he and Jade were okay. After that I started coming over less because he seemed to be coping. Then I stopped coming over altogether. I called him every week to make sure they were both okay and he seemed okay last week but I see I was wrong.

"I'm so sorry Dani." I squeeze him tightly as his sobs turn into sniffles. I look back, to make sure Jade can't hear or see us. Can't have her worried.

"Thanks." He whispers as he pulls away.

"Always." He sniffs and wipes away his tears.

"I don't know what to do. Every time I think I'm finally in a good place. That I can finally cope with the grief and move on, everything comes crashing down." He sighs.

I rub his shoulder, comfortingly, and he gives me a sad smile.

"It's going to take time Dani. It hasn't even been six months. Even if it was, everyone heals differently. You don't need to push yourself." I say and he nods.

"Tell me something good. I need to hear some good news." He says as he leads me to the lounge. We both sit down on the two seater sofa and he looks at me expectantly.

The first thing that comes to mind, is to tell him about Carson. He knows about the ridiculous crush both Spencer and I have had on Carson. So, I guess I could tell him. I mean Lizzy knows so why not Dani.

"Remember that guy Spence and I have been crushing on?" I ask and he nods.

"Well he feels the same." I tell him and his eyes widen.


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