Chapter Thirty- Four

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Carson's POV

Monday comes way to soon and we barley get to see each other. Spencer is out of the office almost the whole day and even though I drive him, we don't really spend time together. He's either on the phone talking to someone or busy flipping through files.

The whole week flies by way to quick and before we know it, it's already Friday. One day before the banquet. I've been driving Cory back and forth from the venue from 8:00 am this morning. This is even worse than last year when the ice sculpture melted and fell on mrs Hudson's head.

"They don't have electricity!" Cory shouts from the backseat of the car and I cringe.

"We're set to have a banquet in 7 hours, we've paid you more money than that place is worth so you better fix the problem or you're gonna have a bigger problem to deal with. Me!" Cory shouts before cutting of the call. He sighs and leans back into the cushioned seat and rubs his forehead.

"Just after I sorted out the catering problem." He huffs.

"Want to stop for lunch?" I ask him.

"I would love to sweets, but I need to get back to the office to help Spencer." He says sadly and I look at him through the review mirror.

"I'll drop you off and go pick up something for you and Spencer, for lunch." I tell him.

"Thanks sweets." He says just as we pull into the undercover parking. Cory gets out of the car and closes the door. I wait for him to walk into the building before I pull out again. I head straight to Rosa's diner. Spencer loves their tuna melt's and Cory always orders the chicken parm from them.

I go to the drive through, which is relatively empty, and order their meals. I pay and pick up the food at the collection window. The drive back to the office is quick since midday madness is over and so is the lunch rush.

After I park the car I head straight up to Spencer's floor. When the elevator doors open, I'm surprised not to see Cory sitting at his desk. There's a girl, maybe 20 , 21, sitting there instead of Cory. She smiles when she notices me. She's pretty, long black hair, brown eyes and a narrow face with high cheek bones.

"Hello, can I help you?" She asks as I walk up to her.

"Hmm, yeah. I'm just dropping food off food for Cory and Mr Drew." I say as I hold up the bag in my hand with the food in it.

"Oh, wonderful. You can leave it here and I'll take to them." She says as she pats the table.

"Oh no that's okay, I'll take it to them, I just needed to know if he's still in." I say and she stands up.

"I'm sorry I can't let you in. Mr Drew asked me to not disturb him unless necessary." She walks around the desk and plucks the bag out of my hand.

"Oh, okay then."  I say and she smiles again.

"I'm Carson by the way, Mr Drew's driver." I stick my hand out to her as I introduce myself.

"I'm Lara, Mr Drew's temp assistant." She gives my hand a firm shake and then lets go. My eyebrows scrunch in confusion at her words.

"What happened to Cory?" I ask her. I just dropped Cory of not even an hour ago. What  could have happened between then and now.

"Oh nothing, I'm just here till Monday since mr Daily is busy with the banquet prep and mr Drew needs an assistant." She says and I nod.

Just as I turn to leave I hear Spencer's office door open and his footsteps echo through the hall.

"Lara whe- Carson?" Spencer smiles when he sees me.

"Hello, sir. I brought lunch for Cory and you." I say as I point to the bag in Lara's hand.

"Oh thank you b- Carson." Spencer clears his throat and my cheeks heat as I look at Lara. It doesn't seem like she caught Spencer's slip up or she's just very good and pretending.

"Are you not joining us for lunch?" Spencer asks as he takes the bag form Lara, who smiles and then heads back to her desk. She continues with her work as Spencer leads me towards his office.

"I didn't want to interrupt you guys. I was going to drop of lunch for you and Cory and then have lunch at the cafe." I tell him as we walk into his office. Cory is there, sitting on the sofa with a whole lot of files on his lap. He looks up when we enter and smiles.

"Hey sweets." He greets and I walk over to him.

"Hey." I sit down next to him and kiss his temple and he leans against me. Spencer is busy taking the food out of the bag.

"I got you guys lunch." I say and Cory hums. His eyes are closed and I gently rub his head and he lets out a pleased hum.

"I can't wait for all of this to be over." Spencer says as he brings over the food and places it on the coffee table in front of us. He sits down next to me with his tuna melt.

"Same." Cory groans as he moves away from me to pick up his food from the coffee table.

"I'm going to head down to the cafe." I say and Spencer huffs and shakes his head.

"Lara!" He shouts and we hear the rushed clicking of heels. Lara stands in the door way of Spencer's office looking at us three in less than a minute.

"You called sir?" She asks and he nods.

"Tell her what you want." Spencer tells me.

"Oh no it's fine I can get it myself." I say, standing up.

"No need, I'll get you what you need Carson." Lara says and I smile nervously at her.

"Hmm can I just get a chicken wrap from the cafe. Just tell them it's for me." I say and she nods before walking away.

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