Chapter Thirteen

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Carson's POV

By the time 10pm rolls around I'm exhausted. Jesse and I only finished setting up and getting things sorted out by 8:30pm. We had supper with mum after that but you know what they say, if something can go wrong it most probably will and that's exactly what happened.

The catering company called while we were having supper to inform us that they had double booked their delivery man and since our function is much smaller than the other one they're catering, they're going to deliver to them. We had to cut supper short and left mums place early. I had to drive Jesse back to her apartment. We only got back to her place at 9pm and we hadn't even started trying to solve the catering problem.

We're currently trying to figure out what to do. I can't go and fetch the food since the cars to small to fit all the food and it's also a company car so, I would need permission to have all that food in the car and that would take to long to get sorted out. It's a policy. No one else can go and pick up the food and so, now both of us are trying to come up with a plan.

"Cory!" Jesse shouts and I look at her confused and slightly startled.

"What about him?" I ask her.

"I'll ask him to fetch the food on his way here." She says.

"Will you call him for me?" She asks and I raise a brow at her.

"And why can't you call him? It's you who needs the favour, not me." I say and she pouts.

"Cory likes you more than he does me and if you ask him we have a better chance of him saying yes." She explains and I shake my head at her logic. Cory likes us both the same.

"Please, just call and ask him for me." She pleads and I sigh. I give in and pull out my cellphone and pull up Cory's contact information before pressing the call button. The phone rings twice before someone answers.

"Hi Carson. It's Spencer." Mr Drew's voice greets.

"Hello sir, how are you?" I ask.

"I'm good and you Carson?" He responds.

"A little tired." I say honestly and Jesse stands in front of me, motioning for me to hurry up.  I wave her away as I listen to mr Drew talk.

"Long day huh?" He questions and I hum in answer.

"I'm sorry for calling so late sir, I just needed to ask Cory for a small favour." I say, hoping Cory is there.

" Cory's in the bathroom." He tells me and I sigh.

"Oh okay. That's fine, I'll just text him later. I'm sorry for disturbing you." I apologise.

"It's okay Carson, you weren't disturbing us. I was actually getting bored waiting for Cory to finish in the bathroom. You know how long he can take. But that aside, what's this favour you need?" He asks and I bite my lip as I look up at my anxious sister. This feels so wrong. Asking my boss to pick stuff up for me, when that's my job.

"Well umm ... the caterers for Jesse's party , messed up and now we have to pick the food up from them, instead of them delivering it here like they're supposed to do. So, I was going to ask Cory if he could pick it up on his way here if it wasn't to much trouble." I explain to him and before he can answer I speak again.

"It's okay if you can't. I know it's out of your way."

"We'll pick up the food on our way tomorrow, don't stress your pretty little head about it. I know how you can get." He says and I blush at his comment. Jesse looks at me confused and I quickly sit up straighter and try to hide my blushing face.

"Thank you sir." I say and he hums.

"You're very welcome Carson. I'm sorry but I've got to hang up, Cory's getting a call from his mum." He says and I quickly say goodbye before hanging up.

"So? What did he say?" Jesse asks as soon as I cut the call.

"He said he would do it." I say and she lets out a relieved breath.

"Oh thank god." She sits back down next to me and I can see the tension leave her shoulders.

"Mr Drew said they would pick it up on their way here. But I don't know what time that will be and I couldn't ask since he had another call waiting." I tell her and she shrugs.

"That's okay. As long as the food gets here. Maybe just send him a message to ask what time they think they'll get here." She says and I nod.

I quickly send a message to Cory, I'm assuming mr Drew will tell him, to ask what time they think they'll be here. I don't get a text back right away and I assume he's still talking to his mum.

"When he reply's I'll let you know." I tell Jesse and she nods before standing up and stretching.

"Thanks sonny." She smiles at me gently and I just shrug.

"It's no big deal." I say.

"It is a big deal. I couldn't have done all of this without you. So, thank you for this, for everything." She says as she bends down and gives me a hug. I smile and hug her back and give her a small squeeze before we pull back.

"I'm going to call it a night. Goodnight sonny." She yawns out before heading to her room.

I wasn't planning on spending the night here but since we got back here so late and still had the
catering problem to solve, Jesse told me I could stay over. She didn't want me driving home this late.

Since she doesn't have a spare bedroom I'm crashing on the sofa. It's surprisingly comfortable for such a weirdly shaped sofa. Jesse has interesting taste when it comes to furniture. Well, Jesse has interesting taste when it comes to a lot of things if I think about it.

I let out a deep breath before heading to the  linen cupboard and grabbing a bigger blanket. The one Jesse gave me is to small. I get back to the sofa and make myself comfortable and sleep comes very quickly.


The next morning is a rush. I get up at 8 am and Jess and I have a quick breakfast before I rush back home. Once I reach home I shower and change into a nice pair of jeans and a light brown hoodie. The weather hasn't gotten any warmer and that's expected since it is the middle of winter. I pull on my nicest pair of sneakers before I head back to Jesse's place. I lock the house up first since mum isn't here. She left last night after supper.

When I reach Jesse's apartment I head to the back parking lot. The party starts at 10 since Jesse wants to have an early lunch so that everyone can mingle and have fun afterwards. Cory texted me back this morning just before I went home and said they would be at Jesse's just a little before 10 so that the food could be set out and ready for the guests.

When I walk into Jesse apartment I see Cory and mr Drew there already. Cory's wearing a pair of black cargo pants and a pastel pink hoodie. He has on a pair of white air force 1's. Mr Drew has on a pair of dressed down slacks, a black long sleeved t-shirt and a beige trench coat. They both look gorgeous and my face heats slightly at my thoughts. I stand in the door way and admire them a little more before I'm noticed.

"Carson!" Cory exclaims happily when he sees me. He walks over and gives me a big hug. I wrap my arms around his waist and sigh when he squeezes me before pulling away.

"Hi sweets." He greets with a big smile and I can't help but smile back.

"Hi Cory." I say much more calmly. I look up and notice mr Drew standing there smiling that dopey smile and Jesse smirking at me. My face heats again and I clear my throat and stand up straight and walk into the apartment before I close the door behind me.

"Hello sir." I say politely.

"Hi Carson." He greets as we walk up to them. Cory snuggles up to mr Drew's side and he wraps his arm around Cory's waist.

My heart tinges in pain when I think about how I just want to snuggle up to mr Drew's other side and have him hold me close as well.

"Thank you for bringing the food." Jesse's voice sounds and mr Drew just nods.

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