Chapter Thirty- Two

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Carson's POV

When Spencer stops crying, he gets up and heads to the bathroom to wash his face.

"I hope he's okay." I say and Cory nods. Lizzy smiles at us.

"He's fine. I haven't seen him cry since Nina passed away." She says just as Spencer walks back into the room. He sits down next to us again and smiles.

"Sorry about that." He sniffs. I frown and hug him.

"There's nothing to be sorry for. You told us something traumatic that happened to you. We should thank you for trusting us with it. It must of been so hard to talk about it." I say and he pulls me closer.

"Carson's right. You didn't have to tells us about Nina. But you did and you trusted us with something so important." Cory says as I pull away from Spencer. Cory hugs him next and kisses his cheek.

Just as Lizzy goes to speak her cellphone rings. She pulls it out of her pocket and checks the caller ID.

"It's mum." She says before answering.

"Hey mum." She greets and we all sit quietly waiting for her to finish.

"Yeah he's home." Lizzy says and I'm assuming she's talking about Spencer.

"I'm not sure, let me ask." Lizzy pulls the phone away from her ear as she looks towards us.

"Mum and Pa want to come over and see you, is that okay?" She asks.  Spencer smiles and nods.

"Yeah that's fine, we can have supper together." He says and Lizzy smiles before telling her mother they can come over.

"Is 8 good?" Lizzy asks and Spencer nods.

"Okay mum see you then." Lizzy says goodbye before hanging up.

"What are we going to do for supper?" Lizzy asks as she sits down. While Lizzy was talking Cory and I snuggled up to Spencer, who's holding us tightly against his sides.

"I can cook." I offer and Lizzy nods.

"You sure baby? We can just order out, I don't want you going through to much trouble." Spencer says and I nod.

"I'm sure. I enjoy cooking." I say.

"We'll all help out as well." Cory says and I nod.

"So, what are you gonna make?" Lizzy asks as we all head to the kitchen. It's already half past six so I've got time.

"I was thinking I could make pasta and few side dishes." I say and they all nod.

"What do you want us to do?" Cory asks and I start giving out instructions. I tell Lizzy to start on the garlic bread so that it gets nice and crispy. I get Cory to start chopping the mushrooms and onions for the pasta while I prepare the chicken and pasta. I let Spencer sort out the salads since it's only cutting and tossing vegetables.

"Red or white wine?" Spencer asks me before he starts cutting the vegetables.

"White. It's Chicken Alfredo, I think white wine would go best with it." I tell him and he nods.

"Take one out from the wine cupboard for me Lizzy." Spencer says and Lizzy nods.

We all talk and laugh while we cook it's a much better atmosphere than earlier and I'm glad to see Spencer smiling and joking.

Once the pasta starts boiling and the Alfredo sauce is simmering, Cory and I start setting the table. I set out the plates and cutlery as well as the glasses while Cory folds the Serviettes.

"I'm going to go check on the food. Are you okay to finish up here?" I ask and he nods.

"Sure sweets." He smiles. I head back to the kitchen and see Spencer covering all the salads with cling wrap. I check the time and see that it's already half past seven. I check on the food and see that it's ready. I toss the pasta into the Alfredo sauce before placing everything into a serving bowl.

"I think we can start taking everything out to the table." I say and Spencer nods and we begin taking all the food out to the dinning room.

"Sweets?" Cory calls just as we walk into the dinning room.

"Yeah?" I answer.

"Why is there only five place settings?" He asks as he looks at the table.

"Because five people are going to eat." I say, not really seeing a problem.

"What do you mean five?" Spencer asks as he puts down the bowls in his hands.

"It's you guys, Lizzy and your parents. That's five." I say and they both frown.

"What about you?" Spencer says and I look at him confused.

"What about me?" I ask.

"Do you not want to eat with us?" Cory asks.

"Of course I do but your parents don't know about us and it will be really strange to have your driver here for supper with your family." I explain.

"Your Lizzy's best friend. We could say she invited you over." Spencer says and I smile and shake my head.

"Not after the day you've had. Lizzy would never do that. It's okay. It's just supper, not a big deal." I say as I make sure everything is set neatly.

"Mum said they'll be here in 15 minutes." Lizzy announces as she enters the room.

"I should get going. I'll see you guys tomorrow." I say and Lizzy looks at me confused.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"Home. I can't be here when your parents get here." I tell her.

"What? Why?" She asks as she holds onto my hand.

"Let's tell them." Spencer says and my eyes widen.

"What!?" I shout.

"Spencer I'm missing one meal it's not anything important. We've barely been together a week. This is so new, we don't even know if it going to go anywhere.." I say but he cuts me off.

"This is going somewhere. This relationship is going somewhere. You're important to me , to us. I won't tell my parents if you don't want me to and I understand, this is new and we haven't been together long. But I don't want you leaving every time my parents come over, or if my friends come over. I want you here and I don't care what explanation you want to give as to why you're here but you're not leaving." He says and I bite my lip.


"No, no buts sweets. Spencer is right. You cooked this meal, it would be totally unfair of us to eat without you. So please stay." Cory pleads and I sigh.

"We'll just say you were over to check on me after last night." Lizzy says and I agree to stay.

"Yay." Cory smiles as he walks up to me and hugs me.

"Thank you." He whispers before pulling away.

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