Chapter Eight

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Carson's POV

Monday morning comes way to quickly and before I know it, I'm running out of my house because I slept through my alarm again. I don't even know why I set one. The race to get to mr Drew's apartment is one I'm sorely losing at the moment. But by some miracle I make it there with a second to spare. Mr Drew is already waiting outside when I pull up to the front of the building. Before I can get out to open the door for him, he's already getting in.

"Cutting it close this morning, aren't we Carson?" He says in a monotone voice as he closes the car door.

"I'm sorry sir, it was my fault, I overslept." I admit.

"It's okay. Just don't make it a habit." He tells me and I nod before heading to the office. The entire drive is spent in silence, which is normal but something feels different today. The air in the car seems suffocating and uncomfortable. Mr Drew doesn't seem to be in a good mood and I don't really know why.

When I pull into the reserved parking at the company, I quickly get out so I can open mr Drew's door. He gets out and I quickly close the door. He heads in towards his private elevator but I stop him.

"What?" He asks slightly annoyed and I flinch.

"Hmm, your clothes. Thank you for lending them to me." I say.

"Keep 'em." He says and starts to walk away again and I rush after him.

"I can't do that sir. These are your clothes." I say.

"Yes and I'm telling you to keep them." He bites out.

"Cory said it's your favourite sweater. I couldn't possibly keep it." I say, he stops and turns around so fast that I nearly bump into him.

"My God Carson, you're so annoying. Can't you see I don't want the bloody sweater back. Yet you keep pestering me. For fuck sakes! If you don't want to keep it then sell it or some shit. I don't give a fuck and I know you could use the money." He snarls at me before storming off.

I stand frozen. Just watching his retreating form. I clench the bag in my arms, tightly, as I try to will the tears away. My chest feels tight and my heart feels broken at his words. I didn't mean to annoy him. But I guess it's my fault. I could see he was in a bad mood but I still pestered him about the clothes.

I sniff and wipe away the few tears that managed to escape before heading back to the car. I put the clothes bag into the boot before locking the car and heading inside. I quickly send Cory a message saying that I can't make breakfast and that we can get lunch instead and he agrees. So, I head to the mens restroom. When I enter the restroom I head to the sink and open the tap. I wash my face quickly before wiping it down. I fix my hair before I leave and head straight to Jesse's desk in the foyer.

When she sees me her face splits into huge grin but as I get closer her smile falls.

"Carson, what's wrong?" She asks but I just brush it off.

"Nothing's wrong don't worry." I tell her. I see that she wants to push but she drops it, thankfully. I'm just being over dramatic. What happened is nothing to cry over. I'm just being an idiot.

"You want to have lunch together later?" Jesse asks me and I'm thankful for the subject change.

"Sorry , but I've already got plans with Cory." I say and she pouts.

"But I'm your sister, I'm more important." She whines and I laugh.

"Nope." I say and she scowls at me.

"We can have lunch tomorrow, I promise." I tell her and she just hums, as the phone on her desk rings. She picks it up and I wave goodbye as I quickly leave.

The day goes by like every other and by lunch I'm standing outside the building's cafe waiting for Cory. Not even five minutes later I see Cory coming but not the usual happy and bubbly Cory. He has a pout and a disappointed look on his face. When he's close enough to hear me he looks up as I ask "what's wrong?"

"I have to cancel lunch." He says and I frown.

"Why?" I ask.

"Spencer wants to have lunch with me and I told him we already have plans but he's in a shitty mood and I don't want him blowing up so I agreed. I'm sorry Carson. We can reschedule if you want." He says and I just nod.

"It's okay Cory I understand. I know an angry mr Drew is not one to irritate. We can reschedule for whenever you're free again." I tell him and he smiles.

"Thanks Carson." I just nod as he walks away. I head into the cafe and order the usual.

Lunch passes quickly since I'm alone and there's no one to talk to. After that I head back to the main hall where I work and before I know it, it's time to head home. I head down to to the VIP parking area and wait for Mr Drew. Fifteen minutes later he walks out with Cory.

Mr Drew still looks angry but much less then this morning. I just greet them like I'm supposed to and open the back door so they can get in. I avoid all eye contact and quickly get into the car.

I head straight to Cory's apartment. Once we get there Cory kisses mr Drew goodnight before he wishes me a goodnight and gets out of the car. I wait till he enters the building before pulling away and heading to mr Drew's place. It's not very far from Cory's apartment to mr Drew's. It's about a 20 minute drive without traffic of course.

When I stop the car I get out quickly and open mr Drew's door. He gets out and I close the door.

"Goodnight, sir." I whisper out and head back to the drivers side of the car. Mr Drew ignores me which he doesn't normally do. I just sigh and head to the car. I must of really pissed him off this morning.

"Carson?" Mr Drew calls and I stop and turn around to face him.

"Yes?" I ask.

He looks at me for a moment and looks to be debating something. Finally he just sighs.

"Don't be late tomorrow." He says and I nod as he walks away.

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