Chapter Sixty

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Carson's POV

Monday morning. Finally back to work, finally things are back to normal. No more hospitals, no more meds that make you feel woozy, no more casts and bandages. Just work. Normal routine.

As I stand in front of the new car I'll be driving, I shake. I don't know if it's from nerves or fear. The last time I was behind the wheel I crashed. I almost killed Cory and myself.

"It wasn't your fault." I jump, startled as I turn around.

"It wasn't your fault sweets." Cory says as he walks up to me.

"It's no one's fault. The lights weren't working and I know you. You're a carful driver. None of this could have been prevented and I'm okay. Both of us are. We need to move on but if you need to talk, I'm always here." He says and I hug him.

"If you don't want to drive baby I can call someone else." Spencer says from behind us.

"No, I can do this." I say, determined. They both nod and I open the drivers side door and get in. Once I start the car I feel better. I feel confident. I pull out from the undercover parking and head straight to work.

I dropped Cory and Spencer off at the entrance and went down to the main parking. I took the elevator up to the main reception area and met up with Jesse, who squealed embarrassingly loud. Then to the cafe for my go to breakfast and everything felt good .

I stayed at reception with Jesse today because Spencer didn't want me down in the camera room. Something he read on the internet about dust and some other stuff I really didn't understand. But I agreed just to get him to stop telling me about the effects of dust. The camera room is in the basement, but there isn't any dust in there. It's super clean.

The morning goes by fine it's quiet. After lunch Jesse leaves for a bit so I man reception on my own.

"Hello and welcome to Elerse Corp, how can I help you?" I greet when a man walks up to the counter. He's tall, with blonde hair and green eyes. He looks a lot like a model. For all I know he could actually be one of the

"Hi my name Charlie, I'm here to see Spencer Drew." He says and I nod.

I type his name into the computer but no appointment comes up.

"I'm sorry sir but you don't have an appointment. I can't let you up without an appointment." I say and he sighs.

"Could you call him and tell him I'm here. If he doesn't want to see me I'll leave." He says and I nod before ringing Spencer's personal line.


"Hi Mr Drew, it's Carson. There is man here to see you. His name is Charlie..." I trail waiting for the man to give me his last name.

"Lancaster." He says and I repeat it to him. The line goes dead and I have to check if the call was cut.

"Sir?" I call worriedly and I hear Spencer clear his throat.

"Escort him up, please Carson and tell Cory to cancel the rest of my engagements for the day." He say and I hum in acknowledgment.

"Of course sir." I hang up just as Jesse sits down next to me.

"I'm going to escort this gentleman up to mr Drew's office. I'll be back when I'm done." I tell her and she nods. I step away from the counter and towards Charlie.

"This way sir." I say pointing towards the elevator. He nods and follows behind me. We step into the elevator and I keep quiet.

Who is this man? What does he want with Spencer? Why is he here?

All these questions swim around in my head but I don't ask any of them. Maybe Cory will know.

The elevator dings open and we step out. Cory looks up when we approach his desk. He smiles when he sees me but that smile falls when his eyes land on Charlie.

"What are you doing here!?" Cory hisses angrily and my eyes widen. I've never seen Cory angry.

"Cory-." He doesn't get to finish because Spencer's office door opens.

"Thank you for bringing him up Carson. Cory please cancel my meetings for the rest of the day. Please, thank you." He says and I smile as Charlie walks into Spencer's office.

I turn around when the office door closes and look at a pale Cory.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?!" I ask panicked as I rush to him.

"That's Charlie Lancaster." He whispers shakily and I nod.

"Yeah he introduced himself when he came in. But who is he?" I ask and Cory looks down at me.

"You don't know him?!" He asks, shocked and I look up confused.

"No, I've never met him before today." I say and he bites his bottom lip.

"Lizzy never told you about him?" He asks cautiously and I shake my head no.

"Who is he Cory?"

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